First feeling

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As I was pre-occupied by my thoughts, Mia walked into the room. Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts,

"Hey, what're you thinking?", she asked

"Oh, you're here?", I asked

"Well, yeah, it's my room too you know", she said mocking me

It had 5 days since we slept together so I had forgotten

"Your expression tells me that, there's something going on in your mind. What did I miss", she said excitedly. "Well, Adrian just texted", I said. "So, what did he say", she said as she sat next to me. 

"He kinda wants to hang out with me tomorrow", I said. "Well that's great news isn't it, you wanted to meet him again today but now you're gonna hang out now. That's good news", she said. 

"Yeah I know, let's see how it goes", I said. "Don't worry, get some sleep now, you have class tomorrow", she said and went to bed. I switched off the lights and removed my glasses. Even after a long tiring day, I wasn't able to sleep. I kept thinking about him and closed my eyes.

Adrian's POV

I returned home after my practice at around 7 pm. I put my bag and ball on the couch and bent down to remove my shoes,

"How did the practice go?", my brother asked

"It was awesome bro", I smiled and said

"Adrian, did something good happen?", he asked

"No, why do you ask?"

"Mom, can you come out here?", he said calling my mom

"What is it Zen?", she asked

"Mom doesn't our little guy look a little different today?", he said his eyes towards me

I looked at her expecting what she'd say next,

"Yeah, there's a glow on his face today", she said

"No, it's nothing like that", I said covering up

"He's blushing", they said in unison

"You guys are crazy I'm going to take a shower", I said and went to my room

I removed my basketball jockey and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and adjusted to my body temperature,

"Ah...nothing feels better than a hot water shower after a game", I said washing my hair

I washed up in 15 min and walked out of the bathroom. I looked at my phone and opened her number. I thought, should I text her first or wait. After thinking thrice, I typed a message and sent it to her. I waited, waited, waited but she didn't reply. I thought I'll dress up first maybe by that time she'll text.

After a few minutes, I checked my phone again but there was no reply. I felt a little upset, I expected her to reply fast. I came out of my room and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and put some random show to distract myself. 

Every minute I checked my phone to see if she replied. An hour passed like that, but she didn't reply. It was around 8:30 when mom called for dinner. Even while dinner, I concentrated more on the phone, instead of the food. After I washed my face and sat down on my bed, my phone buzzed. I grabbed my phone just like a kid would grab an ice-cream on a sunny hot day

Av- Nothing, just refreshing up, what about you?

I smiled as I further texted her. Before ending our chat, I asked if she wanted to hang out with me. She took some time before replying. I was very nervous, will she say yes or no? As I was nervously thinking about what she'd say, her reply came 

Av-, I don't feel really comfortable there, how about me meet somewhere else?

She said, I texted her I was okay with that and we ended our chat. I was really happy. I kept my phone on the stand beside my bed, pulled my covers and slept


The next morning, I got up with a smile on my face feeling refreshed. I had an early class today so I left home early. Mia was still sleeping and so were mom and dad. Aunt Daphany won't let me go hungry so she quickly prepared toast and gave me a glass of my favorite juice. I ate in a hurry and went to my room to wear my clothes. I walked into the room without making any noise so that I don't wake up Mia. 

I silently walked towards my closet. I pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans and a turquoise colored crop top. I brushed my hair to get untangle them. I tied it up with a black rubber band and wore my glasses. I wore my black bracelet, red band on the right hand and wore my brown colored watch on the left hand. I wore a black chain around my neck and grabbed my bag and left.

I checked my watch and it was still 8 am. I didn't expect that Lucas and Emily would be here this early when I got a call from Em,

Em- Hey, where are you?

Av- I'm at the university

Em- So early?

Av- Yup I had an early class when are you coming?

Em- At 10 am

I felt upset, I had to be alone for two hours. I hung up the call after telling see you soon. I walked into the building and went to the class. To my surprise, I saw Lucas on the first bench. I never felt so happy before to see him

"Lucas", I said excitedly and sat beside him

"Hey, you came", he said. "How come you're here?", I asked him. "Ms. Ava let me remind you that we both have the same classes and except one or two even Emily takes the same classes", he said sarcastically. 

"Sorry", I said. Before we could talk further, the professor walked in and our class started. An hour passed when our first class ended. When I saw the time it was almost 9:30. I placed my head on the bench feeling tired. 

"How was the class?", he asked. "It was good, I liked this class", I said. "When is the next class?", he asked. "I think it starts at 10", I said. We thought there was only 30 min for the next class and decided to stay on the campus. We took our bags and walked towards the park on our campus. We sat on the grass. I kept my bag beside me and sat on the ground and spread my legs. 

I took a deep breath and inhaled the fresh air. I felt like Lucas was staring at me so I turned to look and, 

"Why are you looking at me like that?", I asked

"I dunno, I just wanna keep watching you", he said

I looked at him with a puzzled expression and asked, "WHAT?"


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