Our First Sleepover

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Finally, the exams are over. It's been more than 2 weeks since Adrian and I met each other and tomorrow, finally, we're going to be all alone for the whole day. Since the semester was over, mom, dad, and Mia decided to visit my aunt in the other city. I wanted to go to but all I needed was to stay at home, watch movies and sleep for at least a week. It was a long weekend Friday to Sunday, so I thought might as well stay home and relax.

Aunt Daphany too decided to visit home once, so it was kinda a perfect opportunity for Adrian and me to stay at home all day instead of wasting time outside in this scorching heat and fall sick. 

It was Friday morning and all the three of them were all set to go to the airport. 

"Mia, come on let's go, it's almost time", mom yelled

I was up early to see them off. Mia, as usual, was her clumsy self, she struggled to get her bags down. Dad was already standing by the cab waiting for them. 

"Ava, take care ok", Mia said giving me a tight hug

"Just call me when you reach the airport ok", I said looking at Mia and mom

I went outside and hugged dad. All three of them sat in the cab and left. "Have safe flight guys", I said waving them goodbye. Aunt Daphany was going to leave after preparing breakfast for me,

"Aunty, what's for breakfast?", I asked in excitement

"Whatever you say dear", she said

"Um...I want cheese omelet, buttered toast, and coffee", I said

"Wow someone's hungry today", she said

"Well I am, I mean didn't have proper breakfast during my exams, so...", I said

She smiled at me and went into the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. Meanwhile, I texted Adrian, 

Av- When are you coming?

He replied instantly.

Ad- I'll be there by 12 pm babe

"What time will you be leaving at Aunty?", I asked her

"I'll leave by 11:30 dear", she said

Av- Fine, I'll be waiting, come soon ok

Ad- Don't worry, I will

He said. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. I started watching a new drama this time. I was busy watching the drama when I heard Aunt Daphany, 

"Your breakfast is on the table dear", she said

"I'll have breakfast here aunty", I said

Aunty brought me breakfast and started eating. I cut the omelet with the fork and took a bite of the toast, 

"Mmmm...aunty, it's delicious", I screamed

I kept eating while watching the drama. I looked at the time, it was only 9 am, I still had three hours. I ate my breakfast and started to drink coffee. Aunt Daphany was still in the kitchen, I paused the show and went there. 

"Aunty, what have you been doing? Shouldn't you start to pack?", I said

"I'm preparing the food for today and tomorrow dear, now, if two people are eating there's gotta be enough food right?", she said

"Hehehe...two people?", I said pretending

"Yes, that cute boy who came that day with you, I know everything Ava", she said

I blushed and hugged her. I went back to watch my drama when I looked at the time, it was 10:30 am. I decided to take a long nice bath today. I went to my mom and dad's bedroom and walked into their bathroom. I turned the knob to run the water and adjusted the water to my temperature. 

I removed my clothes and walked into the bathtub. I tied up my hair into a bun and rested my head on the edge of the bathtub. I poured the blueberry liquid into the water and closed my eyes. 

The lukewarm water felt so good touching my skin. I fell asleep for a few minutes in the water. 

"Ava...Ava...", a voice called broke my sleep

"Aunt Daphany, is that you?", I asked slowly getting up from the bathtub. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom. 

"I'm leaving now dear, the food is in the fridge, reheat it whenever you want to eat", she said leaving. I was feeling a little dizzy. I somehow walked up to my room and pulled a long shirt and wore it. 

I looked at the time, it was 11:15 am, I thought by the time Adrian comes I'll take a quick nap. I put my clothes in the washing machine and started to walk towards my room when I heard the doorbell. 

I again looked at the time, it was 11:25 am, I wondered who it was. I walked towards the door and opened it,

"Adrian", I looked in a surprise

"Hey baby", he said and embraced me into a warm hug

After so many days, I was in his arms. I started feeling dizzy again. I closed the door as we walked in together. 

"Where's everybody?", he asked

"Oh, um, Mia and my parents went to visit my aunt", I said

As we walked towards my lost my balance as I was feeling dizzy. Adrian caught me in his arms, 

"Careful Ava", he said

"I think I soaked myself for too long", I said

He lifted me in his arms and took me to the guestroom. 

"Adrian I can walk", I said

"Well, I don't get to do this every day now", he said teasingly

He laid me on the bed. Suddenly, he looked at what I was wearing. I was wearing only a knee-length shirt. I covered my legs with my arms feeling a little uneasy. He took the blanket and covered my legs,

"Better?", he asked leaning closer to my face

"Hmm", I nodded in a yes

He didn't move even when I answered him. He leaned in closer and kissed me. I looked into his eyes, 

"I missed you", he said

"I missed you too", I said

He removed my glasses and placed it on the stand beside the bed. He put his hands on my cheeks cupping my face and kissed me again. I put my hands on his shoulders as he deepened the kiss. He lifted my head and placed it on the other hand and pulled me closer. 

He moved his lips from my lips to my eyes and kissed it. Slowly he moved his lips to my cheeks kissing them. I felt like electricity passed through every part of my body.

He moved his face from mine and looked at my shirt. The first buttons of my shirt were open exposing my collar bone. He looked at the shirt first and then looked at me as if asking could he unbutton it or not. I nodded in a yes. He started to unbutton my shirt without breaking the kiss. 

He slowly moved to kiss my neck and my collar bone. As he felt I was enjoying, he slowly bit me on the neckline leaving a hickey. 

"Ouch...", I said

His eyes looked at me lustfully as if my moan turned him on


NOTE: Hey guys, as I haven't rated this story as MATURE, there will be no sexual content in my story if there are people out there expecting something like that. You might skip the part but there isn't gonna be any sexual content in my story. Being a Romance genre, I'll be adding the basic emotions and gestures of Romance. Sorry about it

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