Our Secret Time

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After all the teasing is done by my mom and Mia, I took my phone and walked to my room. I opened my phone and saw, there was a text from Adrian, 

Ad- Call you in 5

Av- Are you home?

By the time I sent this message, my phone had already started to ring

Av- Hello

Ad- Hi player

Av- Really, don't you have a better nickname for me?

Ad- Well, there are quite a few, how about babe, cupcake, or baby?

I blushed as he called me with those names

Av- I dunno

Ad- Liar, I know you're blushing right now

Av- Whatever, tell me why did you call?

Ad- I miss you right now, just...come to me

Av- Adrian, it's been only a few minutes since you left

Ad- I dunno, I just miss you too much

Av- I'm talking to you right, then

Ad- Ok fine, tell me...what time when will I see you tomorrow?

Av- Um...how about 2 pm?

Ad- No, that's like more than 12 hours, no way I want to see you early

Av- Adrian...ok, fine then how about 12 pm?

Ad- No, make it 11 am

Av- Fine, you really can't wait right?

Ad- No I can't, if I could, I'll come right now

Av- Adrian, stop kidding

Ad- I'm serious, you don't believe me, fine...I'll see you in 5

Saying this he hung up the call. What did he mean by seeing you in 5? He isn't gonna come right? As I was kinda pre-occupied by my thoughts, Mia entered the room with a big bright smile,

"Hey sis", she said walking towards me, "Say, how's my sis doing?", she asked teasingly. "What do you mean?", I asked pretending. "Um...I mean how do you feel to finally date again", I blushed when she said that. 

"Aww...look at my sis, your face is glowing", she said and took my hands in hers, "I'm happy, I'm very happy to see you like this", she said and she hugged me tightly. As we were busy having our little sisters moment, we heard some noise from our balcony. 

"What was that?", she asked. "I dunno, I'll go and see", I said and walked towards the balcony. I slid open the window door and came outside. I looked around for a few minutes but didn't see anything. 

As I thought no one is there, I started to walk inside. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands covering my mouth and cornering me to the wall. I shut my eyes in fear. I tried to remove the hands but it was no use, the grip was tight. 

"Hey", I opened my eyes and it was, "Adrian, you scared the sh*** out of me", I said breathing hard. "What are you doing here?", I asked whispering. "I came to see you of course", he said.

"Adrian, you'll be in trouble if anyone saw you here", I said. "Nothing will happen, I'm not leaving till I spend time with you ok?", he said. I panicked in fear. I tried to send him away but he wouldn't go. 

"Adrian, just go, I'll see you tomorrow ok...but now", I panicked, "Shhh...don't talk anymore", he said and pressed his lips against mine. He locked my hands around his waist and kissed me. As he kissed me deeper I moved my fingers from his waist and dug it into his hair. He pulled me closer with his one arm and wrapped his another arm around my neck. 

My lips enjoyed his soft lips against mine as he started to lick my lips with his tongue. We parted our lips for a few seconds to breathe then he kissed me again. This time his tongue made his way through my lips and so did mine. We kept moving our heads while kissing each other. He pulled me closer and closer. It felt like this kiss was never gonna end and honestly, I didn't even want it to end.

I heard Mia's footsteps and we parted our lips from each other. Before I could send him off, Mia already came outside,

"Oh...so this is why you didn't come in", she said. "Mia, please don't tell it to mom and dad", I said. "I won't but you guys should come in, someone might see you", she said. Adrian and I walked into our room. 

Adrian looked around and saw our room. He saw a big photo of mine and Mia and smiled, 

"You guys look so cute", he said

"Both of us or only Ava", Mia said teasing him

"Mia, stop", I said

"Fine, you guys talk, I'll binge watch something on the TV, Enjoy", she said and left us alone

"Sit", I said. Adrian sat on my bed comfortably and so did I. We started to talk. It felt like it was a dream. I was very happy,

"So, why did you lie to me actually", he asked

"Adrian, it's because of my last relationship", I said

"What do you mean?", he asked. I explained everything to him including why did Zen dump me. 

"Well, thank god he broke up with you", he said. I was surprised when he said that. "What?", I asked. "Yeah, because a fool like him dumped you, today I have you with you", I blushed as he said that.

"I'm glad you're with me, I'll never let anyone come between us, I love you, and I always will. You're mine ok, always remember that", he said cupping my face and placed a kiss on my forehead. 

"I love you Adrian", I said. "I love you too baby", he said and kissed me. 

It was already 10 but felt like only 10 minutes passed.

"So, I think it's time to go", he said getting up from my bed. He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead again. "I'll see you tomorrow baby", he said

"I'll wait for you, go safely", I said and said my goodbye

He left through the balcony. I kept watching him until he left. After a while, Mia silently entered the room and looked around if Adrian was there. 

"Well, are the lovebirds satisfied now?", she asked

"Yeah, we are and thanks for helping us tonight", I said

"I had to Ava. I never saw you this happy in a long time. I'm happy that you're happy", she said and she hugged me. 

I turned off the lights and we lied down on our beds. I removed my glasses and tried to sleep but I knew, I'm not gonna get any sleep tonight.


Sorry for the late update guys but I've been quite busy with my college stuff so here's the update. Well, looks like our female protagonist and male protagonist are in love. So please VOTE and COMMENT for at least this cute couple and stay tuned to know what happens next.

Love you all

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