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So... (the next chapter will be posted tommorow! Eeeep! Don't kill meh!)

It has come to my attention that this story has... hmm...

1K READS?!?!

Who the frick spends their time reading this... thing?!

Well, apparently you guys do...

So in celebration of this... I posted a new story! 


It's a Blossick story called Goddess!

Basically it is a retelling of Mount Olympus as Mount Olympuff ( I think I might be high..)

and the boys and girls are different Greek gods or goddesses.

Anyhoo... that's not all! I shall post double of Tough Luck tommorow!!


I wanna thank my mom, and my dad, but not my siblings cause they dumb... 

and my pets!! Love you babies! And...and I want to-

Yeah, I'm excited... some of you are probably like 1K? That's not a lot... I'm at like, 5K...

It is for me!

Blossom: What...? I think she is high...

Brick: I think she's always high

Blossom: True

Me: You guys agree on something?!?

Brick: That your stupid, sure.

Blossom: I mean...he has a point, you know...

Me: Aren't you 'everything nice'?

Blossom: You guys ripped up that niceness.

Brick: It's better this way...

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