Chapter 7: A New Member

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Norman's P.Ø.V:- Yesterday went pretty unexpected for me.After revealing R.A. the secret,I thought that she was going to have a huge fit right there,but looks like I was wrong.Instead of scratching the walls and throwing things across the room,she was crying.I really couldn't help it,to see her cry in so much sorrow and she sure was pretty heartbroken.Marion was able to calm her down.Of course,he's the Marionette after all,who could blame that guy? Anyways,Marion was in Peeky's room,chit chatting and Bryan was hogging on the popsicles..again..Why do the managers keep popsicles while they don't even give them out to the kid? I thought as I glanced at R.A. who was looking outside the window.I walked up to her and sat right next to her.
"Hey there,lil sis! What's up?." I said in a cheerful tone.She must've noticed me sitting there so she turned around and faced me with a smile on her face.
"Hi,big bro! Nothing much is happening,except it's starting to snow now! Look!" she replied while pointing at the window.I looked outside and she was correct! It had sorted to snow,slightly.That could mean only one thing,winters is arriving slowly.
"No wonder why there were less people here today..maybe it's snowing more in their regions.." I said in a curious tone out loud.
"Bryan is in luck because he's the only one who'll be able to bare the cold weather.After all he is a polar bear,you know." R.A. spoke up out of the blue.I nodded in agreement and as I was about to say something,R.A. and I heard a loud BANG! from the backroom.
"Wh-what was that?!." R.A. stammered in a worried tone.
"I..have no idea myself.." I replied.
"Just stay here I'm taking Marion with me.Take care of the others,ok,big bro?." She suddenly said.Without me questioning her,she just took off to the backroom,with Marionette alongside her.I hope everything is alright...

~A few hours later,nighttime 🌙 ~
It took R.A. and Marion quite a while to figure out what caused that loud BANG! we heard.It turned out that there was a kid of some sort stuck there.He was wearing a black bandana around his eyes,he was wearing a green hoodie,his skin was very human-like,his hair was a little bit visible,they were purple from the bottom and brown from the top.He was also wearing blue ripped jeans too and then R.A. introduced him to the rest of us.Apparently,it turned out that that kid's name is 'Cabre' and he knows the Marionette somehow.Then,Marion explained us how they know each other.
"Alright,here is how we know each other.It was all back in Freddy's when the five kids got murdered and it turned out that the murderer was Cabre's father,Sabre. (please acknowledge that Sabre has nothing to do with the fnaf lore.It is just a part of my friend's Fnaf AU.Thank you.) At the time of the murder,this poor thing was there in the scene when it happened.Cabre was hiding in the backroom the entire time and that's also when I retrieved the souls and saved them and blah blah blah.Cabre then told me that his father has a bipolar disorder,meaning that sometimes,he would be soft and sometimes,he would be all evil and stuff.Sometimes,Sabre would even beat up his own son!.At the closing of Freddy's,Cabre and I became quite good friends,but we weren't transported here together.I'm pretty sure I was here first,but I had no idea that Cabre was here too.Back then,it was like 1987 all over again and that's the story about our friendship."

Ok,I gotta admit,Cabre and Sabre sounded more like twins and less like father and son.We were all pretty surprised and shocked by hearing the entire story.Poor Cabre sure did went through a lot...all that beating up stuff was definitely a lot for him to take in.R.A. sat down to his size and spoke up,
"I'm so sorry to hear all of that,little one.How did you end up being here then?." Cabre hesitated for a moment,but then calmed down.
"W-well...I d-don't know m-myself...I have n-no idea of h-how I ended u-up here.." He said while stuttering.I felt really bad for the poor thing.R.A. then reassured Cabre that we will make him feel like home and protect him from his dad no matter what happens.R.A. was really good at this kind of stuff and I proud of my little sister's talent.
"Th-thank you S-so much..I d-don't know how to r-repay you b-back..." Cabre suddenly spoke up.R.A. looked at him with a soft smile and replied back.
"It's ok! There's no need,Cabre.We will do anything to keep you safe from that monster.." Cabre shook his head and then said,
"I w-wouldn't exactly S-say monster,b-but I agree..".Cabre then took a look at all of us and then smiled nervously.

After that,Bryan and Peeky were giving Cabre a tour of the place.Cabre really was in love with the Arcade game section and started to play a couple of games too.I was with them,but I wasn't exactly helping them with the tour.Then,Cabre moved on to another Arcade Game which was about wrestling.Surprisingly,he asked me to be his opponent! I never turn down a challenge so I agreed to play.It was the best of three round and we had one win each.The last round was going to decide who will win and in the end,little Cabre was the winner.
"Awww I lost!." I frowned playfully and patted Cabre on the back.Cabre smiled and jumped up and down.Then,Peeky handed Cabre the prize.It was a stuffed plushie of Bryan and Cabre seemed to love that too!.
"Welcome to the crew,Cabre! Anyways,will you be performing with us or will you be sitting in the backroom?." Peeky inquired as he looked around.Cabre looked at him and replied back while hugging the Bryan plush,
"It w-would've been a-a great honour performing w-with you g-guys,but hiding in th-the backroom is m-more of my th-thing..." Peeky nodded politely and then walked away to play on some arcade games for himself.I turned to Bryan,who was playing with his blue bow tie.
"Hey,guys? It's time to sleep! We've got a birthday to celebrate tomorrow!" We heard R.A.'S voice echoing throughout the empty halls.A birthday? That's so awesome!! I thought as I happily rushed with Bryan to the show stage.Cabre said goodnight to us went into the backroom.
"A birthday,huh? It's been quite a while since I've been a part of one..The last time I was in a birthday was back in Freddy's..It'll be great to be a part of an exciting birthday once again.." Marion said while smiling.I smiled and nodded.Then,R.A. said god night to us next and Marion wounded up his music box and went inside his big gift box.Oh boy,oh boy oh boy! A birthday! I'll make sure to make it a rocking birthday for the birthday boy! Or girl..I thought happily as Bryan and I went into sleep mode...

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.The eighth chapter will be published soon.
This is ZBeeWrites signing out.
1250 words.

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