Chapter 28: An Important Meeting

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Ennard's P.Ø.V: It has been a while since anything interesting has happened,except that great falling of the roof which was quite hilarious.That day,R.A was also pretty mad about the roof being weak and everything which was quite adorable to see.Anyways,R.A realised that Norman and Peeky were acting pretty peculiar and spooked out,like,they were super quiet nowadays which was quite odd...I was inside of my own room,staring at the ceiling,wondering where Elly and the others would be right now.I really missed Elly so much and now I had to accept the fact that I have to now join a new family,replacing my old one..I really liked it when I was with my other friends,but at the same time,I really like being with R.A and the others too.Troubled thoughts.Just by thinking about my old friends made tears form in my eyes.I blinked quickly and heavily sighed,carefully climbing down my wirey-spider web.

I then heard knocking on my door,and then someone opening it,R.A.When both of saw each other and smiled.R.A came inside and hugged,with me hugging back of course.
"There you are,you dummy! I was looking for you everywhere!" R.A playfully punched me on the shoulder and I giggled.Of course I would be here.. I smiled sadly and I then looked away.
"Enndy?..What's wrong?.." R.A tilted her head to the side and put a hand on my cheek,making me look at her.I sadly sighed and held her hand.
"Nothing much..I just..miss Elly and my Funtime Friends..a lot..It was kind of difficult for me to accept the fact that I now had to be a part of a new family.." I sniffed and looked away.
"Enndy.." R.A spoke up softly and cupped her hands on my cheeks and smiled brightly.
"Please don't be sad,I'm not even used to seeing you so sad! I'm pretty sure you'll find them eventually! We are ready any time you want to search for them,and I promise that whenever we look for them,they'll come back safe and sound.." R.A said reassuringly and kissed me on the  forehead,which actually calmed me down a bit.At least I have my own lover and protector now..I thought as I smiled and patted R.A's head.

The two lovebirbs were then pulled out of the room by Bryan who looked hella excited.
"Bryan? Why do you look so jumpy?" R.A asked while looking at her jumping brother who squealed and hugged her sister."Don't you remember?!" Bryan exclaimed,causing me to raise a brow in confusion.R.A gasped and smiled of excitement,instantly recalling what Bryan meant,"Right right! I'll be right there,you go!" With that being said Bryan nodded and left the room.I put his head between R.A's horns and hugged her,
"Hun? What's going on?" I asked innocently and R.A excitedly broke the hug and held my hands tightly.
"Us two will be doing a duo,Enndy!! Us two!!" R.A screamed and excitedly hugged me, of course I was shocked and wide-eyed.
"Woahwoahwoah,us two?! But what about the state I'm in?!"
"Aww don't worry about it Enndy! The kids wouldn't really mind it!"
"Y-you sure?"
"Believe me,dummy-You'll do great!"
"To what song will we be doing it on? It better not be on a song I don't know about-"
"It's that song 'Anything you can do,I can do better!' That one from the 1900s?"
"R.A! ENNARD! COME ON,LOVEBIRDS! LET'S GET GOING!" Marionette interrupted us and R.A rushed to the main room with me following behind.

When the both of us reached the stage,the crowd was already there,cheering for us.Many people weren't too surprised to see me,but many others recognised me and cheered for me too.That's when I took a sigh of relief and smiled.I waved to the crowd as R.A introduced me and what'll the both of us will be doing.R.A then handed me a spare microphone and R.A snapped her fingers,making the lights go out.There were then two lights aimed at us and that dragonface gave me a thumbs up and I smiled,and that's when our awesome duo began.

"Anything you can do,I can do better!" (R.A)

"HAH!" (Ennard)

"I can do anything,better than you."

"No you can't-"

"Yes I can!"

"No you can't!"

Five Night's at R.A.'s:The Next Generation-The Majestic Family CircusDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora