Chapter 21: The Great Surprise

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Ennard's P.Ø.V: After the lockdown was over,everyone was pretty much relieved and happy that the snow had cleared out and everything.I was about to lose my mind because I never liked the snow and snow is just...annoying! I looked around my room and as usual,I was alone.At first,I never got the point of making friends and communicating with others.I was the kind of guy who would sit in the corner of the room and isolate myself from the others,not joining them for any activities.Back in those days,isolation was just my thing,it was a part of me and if it wasn't for my idiotic little sister,I would've probably never moved from the corner of that room! But seriously,all the credits go to her.

Even though we're not together and are separated,I try not to lose hope that eventually one day,I will get to see her again.Her small adorable little clown face and hands..I was just missing her so much..Just like when one sibling is gone somewhere,the other one just can't live without that sibling and would I patiently wait for them to come back.Well,that's exactly how I feel nowadays.My life has never been this boring and dull before,especially without Elly,it's been worse.Even though I was saved and brought up to this place,but still,I think it was no use at all.I just miss her so much..we would almost do everything together! Recalling all those memories made me even more depressed.I just stared at the dark ceiling as I stayed in my made-out-of-wires bed.It had been so long since I felt this way,isolation.

My thinking was interrupted by my room's door opening with a bang! sound.I looked down to see Cabre in the doorway.So much for respect..he could've just knocked or something..I thought,annoyed while I raised a brow and looked at him."What is it?" I spoke up,trying not to show that I was annoyed."U-um..if you d-don't mind,is it fine if I can h-hang out with you wh-while the others,e-except Peeky,are performing? P-Peeky is still in sleep mode and I-I'm kinda lonely..." He spoke up in a low tone while fidgeting with his hands.I thought about it for a second and shrugged,"Sure thing I guess." I replied back casually as I got down to the ground.
"I actually wanna watch those guys perform.." I mumbled as I went to the corner and watched the others perform.It was a little difficult to see them because of all the customers roaming around and everything,but meh.The space cleared out a bit and I could see them.Norman,Bryan,and R.A.

There were also little kids hogging the stage,like some of them were on the stage and were talking with the gang,guess they weren't really performing,heh. That's when something odd happened.I only saw Norman and Bryan on the stage,not R.A.I looked around and didn't see her.I sighed and walked my way to the kitchen to grab myself a small snack because why not? As I went into the kitchen,I stole one popsicle for Bryan's stock and headed for the door,until a shadow caught my eye.I went forward and turned left.There was a table with chairs and there stood...R.A? She was standing at the kitchen counter doing god knows what.I tip-toed towards her and as I approached closer,I could hear here mumbling something which was inaudible since my hearing sensors were a little bit weak.I went a little bit ahead and I could perfectly hear what she was mumbling and repeating multiple times,

"S-----e didn't work..."
"S-----e didn't work..."
"S------e didn't work..."
"S------e didn't work..."

I was able to catch a glimpse of her eyes,they were all white like she was possessed and had this wicked smile on her face which holding a knife in one of her hands.This kind of freaked me out,but I didn't show.I cleared my throat and looked at that little dragonfruit lady.
"R.A? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be onstage?" I said pretending like I didn't know what she was doing.She instantly turned around and her eyes were back to her dazzling frozen-blue colour.She nervously laughed and rubbed her neck,
"Oh! Ennard! I just um...came here for..a mini break! You know,nocturnal duties,right?" R.A replied back all nervously while I raised a brow and looked into her dragony-eyes.
"What? Why are you looking at me like I'm lying?" She spoke up when she realised I got too quiet and had suspicions about what she was doing earlier.I know you're lying,it's written on your face...But I didn't exactly say those words,instead I just changed them up a bit.
"Hm? No...I'm not saying your lying or anything.." I replied.R.A just nodded and I could also see that she was hiding that knife behind her back.What was she even doing? "Let's get going! I don't wanna miss out talking to the kids..aheh..." She nervously spoke up and rushed out of the room.Yeah right...

Five Night's at R.A.'s:The Next Generation-The Majestic Family CircusTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon