Chapter 26: A Forgotten Spirit?

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Bryan's P.Ø.V:  Yesterday was a pretty entertaining day,the roof was broken,and then we were chasing each other for I don't remember what purpose.Also,I finally found out my memories were no longer blocked since I don't know when.I was able to recall the moment when Norman,R.A,and I were no longer alive..It was horrible.I shook my head and looked at the ground,not wanting to recall that day's event.It shook my metal spine.I sighed and looked up,just to see Peeky standing with Norman,just talking.Ennard and R.A we're probably off on their romantic walk inside the place doing whatever.Cabre was with Marionette and what about me?
I was just being lonely,sitting on the stage all by myself,wondering about life.

I got up and headed for the kitchen.I opened the freezer for my daily snack,just to find it empty.Looks like no Popsicles today..the managers better restock my beautiful Popsicles corner or else I'll turn them into Popsicles and gobble them up! I thought as I groaned and walked out of the kitchen into the main room where now Norman was screaming like a girl and running away from Peeky.It seemed like Peeky had a beetle in his hand and was running after Norman because he was a freaking panda,a panda who's scared of beetles.LogiC.Anyways,this reminded me of a moment of us when we were alive.R.A used to love huskies the most,but was scared of dogs.Norman and I would laugh so hard to that logic that our we would be rolling on the floor,still laughing.Lil sis would be screaming at us and whenever we would get up,we would be gifted with her famous slap across our laughing faces.

It was actually pretty hilarious.I smiled and giggled to myself as I recalled that golden memory of us.I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked back,
"Hmm?" I mumbled while looking back.It was Marionette! Where did he come from?
"Marion! Weren't you with Cabre?" I questioned and looked down at his arms.He held a sleeping Cabre in them and it was kinda adorable.
"Awww.." I slightly said in awe and smiled.Marionette nodded and smiled too,and a girl spirit appeared sitting in Marion's left shoulder.
"Hello Marionette!!!" The spirit said in a rather cheerful tone.Marionette turned his head to face the spirit and smiled brightly.
"Kasey! Hello there,my child! How's it going?" When I heard that name,my eyes widened and my ears perked up in surprise.I pointed at the spirit,with my mouth dangling open.
"I-I-I-I....KASEY?!" I exclaimed and the spirit smiled,flying to me and hugged me.I was out of words,it was really Kasey,the Kasey whose 12th birthday was celebrated here..
"I can't believe this.." I whispered while hugging her back.
"I really missed you so I decided to visit you,Bryan!" She said while floating in the air.I giggled and replied back,"That's very thoughtful of you!"

Then we chatted for a little while,and then Kasey had to return to the other spirits.I was upset to see her go,but I knew that I was going to get used to this now.I walked around the place and suddenly felt a peculiar feeling in me,as if there was someone else in the room other than me.I was somewhere deep in the attraction,where no sound was heard,nor was any other presence of an animatronic.It was just me.I was all by myself.My magenta eyes glowed in the dark and looked around cautiously and carefully to see if there was actually someone else there or not.Nothing,maybe my mind is just messing shrugged and turned the other way to walk,but I heard a sound,making my eyes widen and turn back.I saw an odd light which immediately faded as I turned back.I raised a brow in confusion and tried to track down where the light source was coming from,but then,I heard a cry,not just any cry,a child's cry.I got spooked out and a shiver went down my spine.I gulped and turned around,but saw nothing but darkness.I looked ahead and saw nothing as well.

It was as if I was no longer controlling myself.I was going toward the source of the cry,wherever it was.My legs had begun to work on their own and were going toward the cry.I panicked and tried to turn back,but I somehow wasn't able to..I went into some abandoned room and saw something glow and the cries got louder.I slowly approached toward the glowing thing,making sure I don't disturb it.As I got closer,I saw an unfamiliar spirit sitting in the ground and weeping.
I raised my brows in surprise and stood there with no words.My eyes were glued on the weeping spirit.Then I found out that there was a broken halo ontop of the spirit with torn apart,tiny wings.
I went closer and sat down.I examined the spirit,and I was bamboozled.I couldn't even tell if the spirit was a boy or a girl,it was just difficult to figure out.
"Hey..are you ok..?" I said in a worried tone while I was sitting on my knees,facing the spirit.The spirit sort of looked up and sniffed.
"I wish it were better! I wish I were feeling better!" The spirit cried while looking down at the ground.I hesitated,not knowing what to do.What do I do? Call the master of souls? I thought as I sat up and looked down at the spirit.
"Wait here,I'll e right back and get some help..."

I then walked out of the room and laconically looked for Marion all over the place.I then found him chilling in Ennard's room.I silently told him about the situation and he came with me.I led him to the room where the weeping spirit was.
"There it is,Marion.." I pointed to the spirit and Marion nodded,walking toward it.I kept my distance and watched what was going on.The Marionette was able to calm down the spirit and talk to it.For a moment,when Marionette was in the conversation,I felt a sensation as if my ears were closing,I couldn't hear a thing,but could only see what was going on.I grabbed my ears closed my eyes.
"My ears-Ow," I said to myself and opened my eyes.Marionette was hugging the spirit and then released it,giving it a balloon,with the spirit happily jumping and flying away with it.
"What did you do Marion?" I inquired while looking at the spirit fly away,laughing and smiling.
Marion smiled and crossed his arms."I set the poor thing free.." He replied back,still looking at the ceiling.I nodded and smiled,looking at Marionette.
"That was pretty nice of you dude,"
"Heh,that's my job now,as Master of Souls of course!' We both giggled at Marion's little title and walked out of the room.

"Hey dude?" I looked at Marion and asked him
"Mm?" He replied back.
"Where did that spirit come from? Why was it here?"
"Well..uhh..I can't tell that..the spirit told me specifically not to tell anyone for some weirdly odd reason.."
"Seriously? Some odd spirit this is..By the way..was it a boy or a girl?"
"Oh-then how come I wasn't able to tell at first glance then?"
"Welp,it's the power of the Master of Souls! ÙwÚ"
"Yeah,sure thing,"Mr.Master of Souls"
While we were heading back,I didn't entirely believe him,I knew there was something Marionette wasn't telling me,I just felt like it.The spirit,and where it came from,just by thinking about it disturbed me greatly.My mind couldn't get off form the fact that there was some forgotten soul stuck in this place ever since it was created.What will happen next? Where did the soul come from?! What is even happening nowadays! Looks like I'll just have to see and wait..I thought to myself as I headed back with Marionette to the others...

Hope you all liked this chapter.As you all can see,a story is slowly and gradually reaching its ending,with many twists and peculiar things occurring with the protagonists.Let's see in future chapters what shall happen next.The twenty-seventh chapter will be published soon.
This is ZBeeWrites signing out.
1404 words.

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