Chapter 10: A New Soul Found

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The Marionette's P.Ø.V:  A few days had passed after that birthday was celebrated.R.A. has been quite troubled up nowadays too.She keeps on talking on her face whenever she tries to walk,but this didn't happen to her the first time she was walking.That's weird..I thought as I glanced at R.A. who had her left hand on the wall for support and her legs were wobbly.Actually,since I was bored as anything,it was quite entertaining seeing her this way,but at the same time,I felt bad for her.As she tried to take a step,she fell again,this time,right on the face once again.R.A. groaned and just sat up while rubbing her cheek.I walked over to her an dlend her a hand.
"Are you ok,R.A.?" I said while trying to sound helpful and..caring! Yep caring.She sighed shakily and got up again.
"Yeah,I'm's just..that this never happened before and it's really..weird and peculiar.." She replied back,with a hint of frustration in her voice.I looked at her legs and everything seemed to be fine.No joints were broken,nor any wires were sticking out of them.I wonder what's causing her to walk in this condition I thought as I watched her walk away,with the help of the of course.Then,I went to the Arcade Games area,where Bryan and Peeky were hanging out after they were done preforming.
"Hi guys! What's going here?" I asked the both of them with a smile on my face.Both of them looked at me and then waved slowly,in a dramatic way.
"Heyo,Marionette! We just were celebrating that Peeky has officially earned the title of 'The King of the Arcades',by him playing all the Ames and winning all of them!" Bryan exclaimed,looking immensely jolly.I looked over at Peeky who had a plastic,golden crown on his head and was nodding happily.
"It's all true.Plus,I even created my own prophecy!" Peeky suddenly stated.
"Oh? And what that might be,King Peeky?" I replied back,trying to sound like a soldier.He giggled and then whispered his 'prophecy' in my ear.When he was done,we smirked evilly and did a fist bump.
"Wow,some prophecy that is~" I said in an evil tone and Peeky nodded in agreement.
"Aren't you a humanoid too,Marion?" Bryan inquired while looking at me.
"It's like a 50/50 deal here,Bryan.I'm half humanoid and half a spirit,living inside of this Puppet suit thing" I replied back politely and he replied back with an 'oh'.Then,I turned around and took a walk inside the Arcade room for a bit.Boredom then struck me like lightning and I exited the room,looking for some activity to do.When I reached the main hall,I directly looked outside the window.It was slowly turning into nighttime as the sun was sinking into the horizon.It was a breath-taking view.The cool breeze went through the trees as the leaves made a rustling sound.A group of children were playing football outside.Man,how I loved playing that game..totally miss these memories..I thought sadly as a tear dropped from my eye and I quickly wiped it away.I kept looking at the window,until it wasn't for when I turned around to see something white run across the room.For a moment I thought it was Bryan,but then I saw its eyes,which were black and there were tears coming out of them.A spirit! I began running after the spirit,wherever it was going.

I kept running after the spirit,until it reached the backroom and sat down on the cold floor.I carefully walked toward it and sat in front of it.
"Hello,child.Who might you be?" I asked the spirit in a soft tone.Then I saw the spirit's black top-hat,bow tie and a light golden aura.It was the Golden Freddy spirit,Gabriel.
"Gabriel! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed as I embraced the small spirit into a hug.Gabriel smiled and hugged back,breaking it after a while and hugging another,unfamiliar looking spirit who was sitting beside him,crying.
"I came here because I sensed another spirit killed,Marion!" Gabriel suddenly said and those words rang in my ears and I was just..shocked! Another murder?! How come no one was talking about this murder today? I thought as I looked over at the other spirit.I could tell easily if it was a boy or a girl,it was a girl's spirit.How could I tell this? Usually,the spirits of girls are usually more of a greyish colour and the boys usually are all white.Whoever's spirit it was,she was crying and was hugging Gabriel.Poor child...what did she ever do to suffer such a terrible fate?..
"Hey,'s ok..I'm here for you..and so are the other spirits.." I said to the spirit,sounding like a loving father and embracing the poor spirit into a hug.I felt the spirit's small hands wrap around my stomach.
"Do you remember how you were murdered,little one?.." I asked worriedly.The spirit looked up at me and sniffed,
"W-well..after y-yesterday's performance,I was talking to my b-best friend,Bryan,when he said that we-we are going to play a game of hide and seek t-together.I agreed and I chose a g-good hiding sp-spot.When BpBryan was l-looking for me,a m-man appeared.He had brown curly h-hair,h-he was wearing a brown suit with a red tie.He introduced himself and told me that his name w-was Victor...I-it was U-uncle Victor.." When she stopped there for a second to hold back her sobs,I snapped in pure anger.Wait,best friend,Bryan?! WAIT!! KASEY'S BEST FRIEND IS BRYAN! COULD THIS SPIRIT REALLY BE?! NO WAY! THAT MONSTER!! I thought angrily as Kasey continued her story.
"H-he then S-said to follow him,but I wasn't w-willing to go first.He th-then said that he had a puppy w-with him which he wanted to give to me.I followed him to a room and saw no puppy.Wh-when I turned around to leave.h-he was standing in front of the door and h-he locked it.I p-panicked and started screaming for help,but h-he stabbed m-me in the leg and I f-fell.Th-then,he said these w-words in an evil t-tone,
"I heard it was your birthday was a few days ago,kid.Sorry Uncle Victor wasn't able to make it~ I d some business to take care of that day you know.Now that I am here,why not I give your birthday present right now?" Uncle Victor?...

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