Chapter 13: Victor's Backstory

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Bryan's P.Ø.V:  Ever since Marionette has gone missing,things have been going a little bit down.We don't really have an extra performer for the Puppet show and some kids were upset that Marionette wasn't there for today's show.Yep,I found that pretty upsetting too,and that Marionette wasn't here,for some reason,all of us feel in secured.Probably because Marionette had all those crazy supernatural powers.Sounds pretty crazy I know,but that's not the only thing which is bothering me.The other thing which is bothering me is our deaths,the we died.I know,I shouldn't be thinking about that because no one is really gonna listen to us,heh.Even Victor's own BackStory disturbs me a lot,it was very freaky.R.A. was still a little upset that Marionette wasn't here and Ennard was trying to cheer her up.He also told us that Marionette was his really great friend and the both of them were basically best friends.Ennard himself was very upset,but he didn't show that he was upset,in fact,he was helping the rest of us to cheer up.Everyone except R.A. was now in a light and happy mood.She was cheered up a little bit,but still upset.Wow,R.A. is sure a pretty downer sometimes I thought as I looked at her eyes,they were not her normal colour,but were slightly indigo,indicating that she was upset.Then Norman and I did all the best we could to cheer her up and as always,we succeeded! But who knows that from the inside that she is just pretending to be happy? Girls..

We all found out that Cabre wasn't taken away with Marion! He was just hiding in the back room all this time and we didn't even notice! I was the one who found him.I was just going there to give some time to myself and I found him,huddled in a corner.I walked over to him,surprised that he was still there,
"Goodness Gracious! Cabre! You're here!" I said happily,glad that he wasn't taken away too.Cabre looked up at me and slightly smiled.
" I a-am.." Cabre replied back."Did you hear that Marionette was.." "Captured? Kidnapped? Y-yep...I kn-know,in fact,I ran in here when some guy entered the place.I thought it was my father so I ran in here.I d-didn't come out e-ever since...About The Marionette thing,I overheard you guys." Man,this kid sure does fear his dad..I thought as I nodded.Then I sat down next to him and Cabre looked at my magenta eyes.
"How did that man look like? Did you catch a glimpse of how he looked like?" I inquired trying to figure out how that might be.Cabre looked away and looked at the ceiling,thinking.
"We-well,that g-guys had curly,brown hair,he had a very deep voice,he was wearing a suit,I th-think a brown one.Lastly,his shoes were the same colour,except they were dark brown and lastly,th-the guy had a n-name tag..." Cabre explained as he,himself looked pretty confused.
"A name tag? Did you see the name?" I replied back."I th-think the name start with a V" I don't like where this is going..I thought as I stood up.Then the next seven words were too much for my ears to take in,
" I th-think the name tag S-said Victor.." My ears perked up in anger and hatred as I punched the table next to me."I KNEW IT!! IT WAS THAT MONSTER!!" I yelled out in pure anger.
"B-but who is th-that guy? I know that he killed you g-guys,but was th-there any reason he did th-that?.." Cabre spoke up calmly.I sighed and tried to calm myself down and sat on the table.

"Well,we do have a pretty burned up history between us,Cabre.It's pretty much a long story.You probably know the reason,but not Victor's BackStory.." I replied back sounding a little bit down.
"Ah yes,I-I remember the reason.R.A. told me the whole story a few days ago,but never told m-me about his BackStory.." Cabre replied back while sitting down next to me on the table."Mind t-telling me the b-BackStory?" he said.I sighed and glanced at him.He was eager to know that horrible creature's story,but I never felt sympathy for that Victor.
"Ok then,Cabre...I hope I remember it correctly without messing up any of the details..Here goes nothing.."

[⚠️ Warning:This part will include violence and gore.If you are sensitive to these subjects,skip this part and read the part after the flashback.Thank you. ⚠️ ]

Five Night's at R.A.'s:The Next Generation-The Majestic Family CircusWhere stories live. Discover now