Your Quirk

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So basically your quirk is called «Elements»

you can control the 4 basic elements: fire, air, water and earth

Your usual go to element is air because since you have to be in contact with the element that you want to use for at least 1 second to being able to use your quirk for 10 minutes, you're always in contact with air (no fucking shit sherlock)

So I'll describe what you can do with each of the elements:


You can shoot big waves?? of air from your mouth (yeah like a dragon slayer), also from your palms. When you want to, you can make the air come out of your feet and make you fly but it usually takes a bit of stamina. When you start to shoot air from your hands and start  twirling really fast you start creating tornadoes (the size depends on your strength and stamina). You can also shoot from your whole arm really fin blades like forms of air that can cut really well but    you'll never use never use it against no one since it could kill.


You can shape things with the earth just by thinking of it, you also can make like roots come out of the floor which comes really handy to trap someone without them noticing, but you can't use this element inside water.


It's your second most powerful element but you get easily dehydrated while using it outside water but even outside it's very powerful, counting that you have a water bottle with you, which you always have per precaution. You can do the same things with water hat you can with air less flying, but inside water you can move and swim really easily and even breath under it. Your go to attack to put someone KO is putting a large amount of water around the person head until they can't sunstein their air, but you promised that you'll only do it to villains. Your "undercover attack" inside water in making a snake/arm like thing with water to drag your enemies to wherever you want.


Your most amazing and also most lethal and dangerous element. You can't really control it really well yet, like you can't put a whole field in flames cause you would lose control of them but you can shoot medium and little amount of fire from also your palms and mouth. But the big difference is that your flames are purple and when you let your emotions like pain, anger, sadness get too much a hold of you, they turn white and are even more powerful but when you reach this point you start getting burns on where the flames are coming. This also means that you can endure really hot temperatures. But tbh you don't really use your fire by fearing hurting your friends if you get out of control.


So basically for air you don't need to do anything

With the earth you only need to touch with your hand on the ground

To activate the water you always carry around a water bottle. You can either only like pour in your hand or drink it, but drinking a bit of the water will always have a better effect on you because it'll keep you more hydrated and that stuff.

For last, to use your fire you always carry around at least 2 lighters with you, so when you need it you just need to light one of them up and touch the flame but don't worry cause you don't even feel the heat of it.  


You can cause a storm by making a combo with water and air, the size depends on your strength and stamina and you can only use it outside doors

You can also make a combo with water and earth and create a mud like thingie to trap your enemies.

The drawbacks are the burns from the flames and starting to feel dizzy and can faint under exhaustion. 


See, I said that I could get this one out faster than the last one, but I'll probably won't be able to update in the next two weeks but whatever


Ps my friend sent me a test the other day to see what kind of dere I was, and I got tsundere but I thought that I would get something like Kuudere,but my friend said that she got Yandere and I was like..... but wvr

Now byeeeeeeeeeeee 

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