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My best friend Felicity and I hold hands, as we sail around the roller rink. The scene is a low light, purple and pink setting. The smell of buttered popcorn and cotton candy, sat pretty in our nostrils. This free time, couldn't be anymore perfect.

When we heard the roller rink was reopening after it burned down two years ago, Felicity and I wanted to do our part in helping out. To be nice; we insured the owner we would watch over the place, and she offered us jobs. I'm not going to brag or anything, but Felicity and I are very popular in our town and the ones next door. Our street cred is solid, and no one wants to test the ability of the Too live crew.

The owner; Mrs. Union, is an old friend of my grandma's, and is such a sweet women. Though police have deemed the fire an accident, Mrs. Union, myself, Felicity, and others, all believe it was intentional.

Since Felicity and I work here; we skate free, so why not take advantage of our free time; roller skating in the very place we connected over a fist fight at age 7; yes 7.


Rihanna's 'Who's that chick' blasted through the speakers, as we did another lap. "Guess what Ester?" Felicity lets go of my hand.

"Don't tell me you caught your parents in bed again. I'm still burned by the mental picture you painted me the first time".

Felicity giggles, pulling me along, "no girl, I bought them a lock". And thank god, I don't want to somehow catch them as well.

"Then what? You hate the guessing game".

Felicity rolled ahead of me, "Ethan texted".

Ethan Black; Felicity's on again, off again, over aged boyfriend. I don't mind that Ethan has almost 10 years on us, I'm just worried he is going to break my best friends heart.

"Is he back in town? Does he want to see his little Cupcake?" I childishly play with her hair.

We roll off to the side, to rest our legs for a bit. I don't have much longer to hang, but I'm sure enjoying my time.

"He wants to see his Cupcake" she sighs, mocking me. "Actually, he is on his way over".

I can't stop her from seeing him, and getting him to relax would be the death of me, so I keep a smile for Felicity's sake. "It's cool". I know her asking to ditch me face, and she just made it. "I have to relieve mom of Josie soon anyway. Do we have time for one more lap?".

Felicity shot me a grin; ready to go our last lap, when something takes her eye across the room. I look in that direction, to see my boyfriend by the skate renting counter; playing nice with some girl from school.

Before Felicity can make a rude comment on the sight, I let out a breath. "Are you coming?" I began coasting towards my boyfriend, being chummy with the teachers pet from forth period, Ada.


"Tibias?" Felicity gets his attention, making sure the teachers pet knows to step off. "Hey" she nods.

Right away, teachers pet shuts down as I greet my boyfriend. "Hey babe" I cross my arms. I've warned Tibias before, about cheesing with random chicks. I'm cool with him talking to other girls, but once they think they have a chance; they forget who the hell I am; boxing champ EJ Jacobs.

"Whats up Ma. Didn't know you were here, or I would have pulled you over to our spot" Tibias grins, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Hey City".

Our spot by the broken Pinball machine, to get touchy feely. He would have gone it alone, cause I'm here with Felicity. "Um hum. So what you guys talking bout over here?" I ask him, resting on his shoulder.

"I'll tell ya what they talking about" Felicity chimes in.

I confidently give Felicity a grin, then share it with Ada, "no; I'm sure Tibias can speak for himself".

Ada now shot him a look, I guess feeling bad I "caught" him? And possibly her "this is my first time here, is all. He was just being helpful" Ada decides to defend.

Tibias hung his head in shame. He knows how I feel about him and his "politeness". If Tibias is being nice, please believe he wants something from you; in this case, it's Adas ass.

Felicity cracked her knuckles, "ha. I've heard that before".

I keep the smile on my face, looking at my boyfriend. He has nothing to say; which is typical. I ease out of his grasp, and he lets me; knowing what's about to go down.

Ada was confused, but I'm about to make she crystal. "You see Ada, there is no helpful; with Tibias. And I saw you. If you're flirting with my man, and he's entertaining it, giving you the shy girl giggles, that's your man now. You can keep his friendly ass".

"Yes. Get him!" City gets excited.

I laugh at her, as Ada is at a lost for words. Turning back to Tibias, I hold his hand, "I wish you the best Tabbi, and I pray; you finally grow some balls, and learn how to respect a women".

He let out a breath of defeat, "baby, Ester. I don't even know her. Why would I want to fuck up things with you, just trying to help a girl out?".

"Oh p-lease, Tibias. You ain't slick. Be happy she ain't beating your ass, for..." Felicity rolls a bit closer to him.

I put my arm out, stopping her from coasting any closer, "Felicity, chill. I'm not mad at him, or her" I motion to Ada. "Tibias, I know what you do behind my back, and honestly; I didn't care, because I never saw a future in us. So as of now, you my friend; are free to be friendly to whomever suits your fancy".

With that, I said goodbye to Ada, and pulled my crazy best friend away with me. I don't know about actual sex, but I know he had girls doing other things for him; if you know what I mean. It didn't bother me, because I stopped sleeping with him when I found out. I was just waiting for him to man up, to see if he was mature enough, or had the guts to come clean.

Felicity and I rolled our last lap, laughing at her wanting to tear Tibias a new one; when she loses balance, causing us both to hit the floor.

I brush the dust from my clothes; then look to City, to see her in a daze. She was staring in the direction of the main entrance.

"You really want him to see you all dusty, and on your ass?" I snap her out of it.

There by the door, stood the "love of her life", Ethan.










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