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    I woke up at my mothers, up in my old room. Checking the time, it's 5am. I start to slightly remember how I got here, as I'm heading for the bathroom.

    After Dylan took me to the park, we sat and talked about our deceased parents; all the fun times we had, and the bad that brought us closer together. Dylan clearly had more to say, since I lost my father when I was 7; meaning he had his mother around longer.

    When he took me to that park, and found the heart; mine fell. As a little girl, my father took me to this park every Sunday morning. He said, "it's easier to enjoy the peace, when no ones around". Everyone was in church, so the park was normally empty, and the trickling sound of the fountain water was so soothing.

    The most I remember of my dad, was the times at that park. He worked really hard to support us, so Sundays were our day. Being so young and unaware, I never knew exactly where the park was, but I remembered the fountain. The fountain was getting fixed one time, and daddy let me mark in the wet cement. He helped me write our initials in it, with my little finger. Ester Jacobs & Clinton Jacobs.

    Dylan was so sweet, for finding the park for me. All I had were the memories. He use to listen to the same stories over, of me and my father; just like he did last night. Dylan was the only person I ever talked to about my father.

    After a quick cry to him, and the talk of our parents; I remember falling asleep, and stumbling to his car. I guess he put me in bed, and went home.

    After using the bathroom, and washing the makeup from my face, I remember I have kid.

I return to my room, and search the sheets for my phone. When I found it, mom had left a voicemail or 5, Felicity text a few times, and Tibias is still bothering me. I remove my clothes, and throw on some sweats I left here. It's early, but I gotta get home. I found my keys on the dresser, and made way to the kitchen for a quick snack.

    Coming down the stairs, I hear this strange sound. Mom must need to get a plummer over here. I reach the bottom of the steps, seeing the TV on, and Dylan; sleeping on that old uncomfortable couch mom won't get rid of.

    Why didn't he go home? I can't just leave him in moms house. Not that I don't trust him, but I need to lock up.

    "You boy?" I poke him, but he doesn't budge. I poke him again, tapping his face, and flicking his lips, "Dylan. Dylan, wake up".

    He squirmed, getting frustrated with whoever was breaking his rest. "Fine" I sigh to myself, "I guess I'm staying".


    I got Dylan a blanket, and threw it over him; he was under only a thin sheet. Now that I'm up, and got ready to leave; I can't get back to sleep.

    An hour past, and I'm still up. I prepared breakfast, for Dylan, and mom if she wanted some when she came home. Also, I didn't forget to contact her. She's going to stay at my place, until it's time to get Josie ready for daycare, take her to daycare, then come home and yell at me. She wasn't mad I was gone all day and night, she was mad I forgot to let her know I was okay; once I didn't show up when I said I would.


    I sat in the wingback in the living room, watching Rockos Modern Life; waiting for the time to pass. Dylan began moving around, peacefully coming out of his sleep. He rolled over, facing the back of the couch; rubbing his neck.

    "That couch, is the worst" I speak, startling him. He looked to me, his face scrunched up from the light of day, burning his eyes. "Ester?" he asked, stupidly. "Good morning to you too" I stand from my seat.

    Dummy must not know where he is yet. "Why didn't you go home last night?" I ask, walking towards the kitchen. He sat up, wiping down his face; still waking up, "I wasn't going to leave you here alone".

    I return with a hot plate of food for him; he thanked me as I took my original seat. "That's nice of you, but I would have been just fine" I watch him stuff his face.

    He takes his time chewing, then swallows; looking at me, "I also didn't want to be alone".

    Last nights chat was good times, but it also brought up some of our most dreaded emotions. I guess it's hard for him, he's been alone for 4 years, and it can't be any easier these days.

    "The least you could have done for yourself; was put me in moms room, and slept in my bed".

    I watch him finish his breakfast. When he stood to take the plate to the sink, my eyes were glued. He had stripped down to only his boxers. "In my mommas house" I gasp in my head, but not really caring. He is as fit as ever; I want to just run up and touch him.

    "Look away, Ester" I whisper to myself. As hard as I fought to not think of Dylan in the way I use to, right now; all of that strength has fallen.

    Dylan came back from the kitchen, with a glass of chocolate milk. He sat the glass down, to fold the blanket I put over him, and put his clothes back on. I distracted myself, by playing in my phone. Once I peek and saw he was dressed, I put it away.

    He stood in front of the TV, finishing his drink. I got up to take the empty glass from him. "Thanks for breakfast... and the blanket" he lets me grab the glass.

    "No problem".



    I did the dishes I created; real fast. Dylan was just coming from cleaning up in the bathroom. Mom should be here soon, and good. I need to get home, to shower and change.

Dylan approaches me, asking why I'm acting like I don't have school in a few hours, or a daughter.  I explain the plan to him, and that because he didn't go home; I had to wait for him to wake up, so I could lock the doors. He said I could have just kicked him out, but he knows I wouldn't.

    "So once mom gets here, I'm outski" I conclude, leaning over the counter. He also leaned over beside me, "well, I guess we're done here. I should get home; tend to my business".

    "Traffic's heavy at this hour, drive safe" I look to him. He takes a breath, about to speak; when mom walks in.

    First thing I do, is apologize, "I am so, so, so, so, sorry" I hug her, kissing her, as she tries to push me off.

    Dylan chimes in, "yea, sorry. It's my fault".

    I hug mom, hanging around her shoulders. "Ester, get off" she slaps my hands. "I'm not young anymore; getting up this early, and taking Josie to daycare" she complains. Mom removes her shoes and coat. "How was it anyway?" she goes for the fridge, getting a drink, "you two didn't have sex in my house, did you?".

    I laugh, "no offence Dylan, but mom; ew. I was to tired to drive; he brought me here. We have a lot to show you though".

    Mom got a plate of food, as Dylan packed up. He said his goodbyes, and left pretty fast. I look to mom; giving me the eye. "Ma, what?". She smiles, "was I right?". I suck my teeth, "we didn't have sex in here, mom". Now she's raising a brow, "not that, but you're denying it some bad. I mean, was he the cause of you; freaking out?".

    "Yes mother. I had built up anger, but I'm over it. I'm trying to let the past, be the past" I honestly tell. There's no point in being mad now, it's over and there is no way to change what happened.










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