9 mts later

483 23 17

  I roll out of bed, stretching out my arms. It's  7am, which means it's time to get up for daycare. I enter Josie's bedroom, turning the light on, "wake up baby; time to get ready". No fuss, she gets out of bed, passing me to the bathroom. I laugh to myself, going to start breakfast.

      Josie joined me in the kitchen, sitting at the island; watching me cook. I pour the red green and orange peppers I diced, into my hot pan, and did the same for the onions, spices, and turkey bacon. "That looks pretty mommy" Josie stares in the pan. "I'm making breakfast quesadillas for us. You like?" I stir the food. She nods, "if it's good for you and mommy, it's good for me" she leans over the counter, talking to my stomach.

    I smile, instructing Josie to give me a kiss, and to go wake daddy up. "Okay mommy" she runs off.

    Not long after Felicity told me she was pregnant, I found out I was too. That one day of sleeping with Dylan, and he found a way to knock me up again. Eventually, Josie and I moved in with Dylan; seeing our relationship going so well. With me pregnant, I was just glad Felicity and I graduated high school before we got really big. Now we work afternoons at the rink, to be able to spend the rest of the day with our families.

    We don't need to work; with Dylan and Ethan bringing in so much money, but it's nice to earn our keeps. As of now, we are both on leave from work, and I'm just waiting for this big ass baby to fall out of me.

    Dylan ate breakfast with us, then went to shower before he takes Josie to daycare, and goes to work. This is exactly the life I use to dream of. I changed a few things, but I'm right where I want to be.

    Josie dressed herself, then I did her hair. I waited for them by the front door, to say goodbye. Dylan came first. He kisses me, smiling, "I love you Ester Shay".

    "I love you Dylan Shay" I peck his lips. He steps to the side, so I can now say my goodbyes to Josie.

    "See ya, mommy. I love you" she kisses my lips, as Dylan holds her. "I love you too baby. Have a good day".

    Before leaving out the door, they both Kiss my huge belly, "bye baby".


    With Dylan at work, and Josie daycare; Dylan makes me hang with someone while he's gone, in case I go into labour.

    Today, I'm spending my time with Mom, Felicity, and my godson Romeo. He is 2 months now, and fat. I was so proud of Felicity; she delivered like a pro. I on the other hand, yelled at everyone, man handled the doctor, telling him to get the baby out, and almost slapped one of the nurses. Felicity is; living with Ethan now, and they are doing just fine. She moved out of moms last weekend, but is always over here, as am I.

    I laid little Romeo on my stomach; the baby always kicks him. Felicity reenters the living room, with a bottle for him. She hands it to me, to feed little Romeo.

    Mom sat up, watching me feed the baby, "Ester, I wish you would tell us what you're having".

    "Uh, uh, uh" I wage my finger, "I'm about ready to pop, can't you wait a little while longer?".

    "No" she sooks, "am I having a grandson or daughter?".

    "Mom, give it up. Dylan doesn't want to know, so I can't tell anyone; to be safe". Felicity giggles, saying she's mad with Dylan; it's his fault. I tell her she is exactly right.

    Only me and Josie know the sex of the baby, and I can't believe she's keeping the secret. I wanted Dylan to name the baby, but he handed the task over to Josie. The name she picked out is so cute, I can't wait to tell everyone. I'm proud of my baby girl; at only 3, she is passionate about being a big sister and taking on the duties.

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