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    I rub my head, thinking of how this is going to go.

    "Josie, come here baby" I call, now scratching my head. Dylan stood off to the side, seeing I'm beginning to stress. Josie came running in, telling me Felicity left. "I know, I'm going to go get her" I pick her up, sitting her on the counter, "I'm leaving now, so be good for daddy. I'll see you later okay. Give mommy a kiss". Josie did as I said, letting me leave no problem.

    When I left the house, I saw Felicity didn't get far; she was sitting in the car. I got in, wanting her to talk first; which she did. "I can't believe you, Ester. You know; I was only joking last night, about you sleeping with him, but you are; aren't you? All this time!" She goes on, "I was so proud of you; now its like!…".

    Why is she getting on my back? This is my life, and it will in no way effect her. "Like what, Felicity? So you caught me and Dylan kissing; what's the big deal? You never seen two people kiss before?" I raise my voice, to make a point.

    "Listen Ej" she gets emotional, "I am your best friend and I love you, but you're making a mistake, and I don't want to watch you lose yourself all over again". I get quiet, calming my breaths, "you don't even know what you saw, Felicity. But since you're so in your feelings, I'm going to give you some time to yourself. I'll drop you off at home, and I guess see you tomorrow for the party".

    She turned to the window, giving me a mean "sounds good". Felicity must be on some bad drugs, acting all crazy like this. First she goes off on her mother, dumps Ethan, and is now mad with me because I don't completely hate the father of my child, not to mention she thought I wanted Ethan and was ready to stop talking to me. I need to get to the bottom of this.


    Before leaving my house from dropping Felicity off, I grabbed a few things I needed for the party. She didn't ask if I was coming back, or where I'd go for the night, and she definitely didn't want to care. I have one child already, I'm not going to put up with Felicity acting like a baby.

    I went to the rink to personally give Mrs. Union the location for Josie's party. The place was packed when I got there; I'm so happy I don't work weekends.

    "Hey, kitchen boy; where's the boss?" I smirk, seeing Lloyd made his way into prepping the food orders. He smiles, still doing his job, "she stepped out for a bit". "Okay, well can I get a grilled cheese while I wait?".

    Minutes later, Lloyd brings a perfectly grilled grilled cheese out to me. He removed his apron and cap, taking a seat. "So guess what, Mrs. Union wants me to stay in the kitchen, and work my way to part time chef" Lloyd tells me. Jeff would love to not be the only chef.

    "That's great; I had no idea you were a cook". "I try" he shrugs. "Ester" Lloyd gets serious, as I devour my grilled cheese, "I don't know if you noticed, but I kind of have a thing for you". I keep my mind on the food. "I would be much obliged, if you would let me take you out on a date" he went on.

    I'm shocked he would want to date me, after seeing how much drama an intoxicated Tibias can stir up. I lightly shake my head, being nice, "no thank you".

    He smiles, not giving up, "what, do you have a boyfriend?". "Not really. I have no time for dates, dating, or anything. I'm sorry".

"Don't be, it's my fault, for thinking I could just be up front and ask someone of your essences; out on a date. It's my bad".

    I chuckle, covering my mouth. He's trying to pull a fast one over on me, but I know all about the game. "That charm isn't going to work Lloyd". "At least I tried" he smiles, going back to work.

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