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    At work, I took my break outside; sitting on the picnic table out back. It's only 6 o'clock, and I have to get through the rest of my shift; in this funk.

    After Dylan and I sat in silence for a long 5 minutes, I got up the words to ask, "how, and why?". He explained a bit of details, telling me it was an accident. There were so many questions, and no time for all the answers. City and I had to get going for work, and Josie was becoming frantic; looking for me. When Dylan and I came back downstairs, no one bothered to ask what happened up there. Dylan left first, then mom had to pry Josie from my waist, so I could get to work.

    I hear inside, the DJ letting everyone know it's time to switch skates because their 2 hours were up. "Is this where you hide out?" someone ask, coming up behind me. When I peer back, I see it's Lloyd.

    "I'm not hiding".

    He takes a seat beside me, "are you okay?". "I'm good, thanks for asking" I tell him, looking up at the stars starting to fade in.

    "There you are" Felicity finds Lloyd and myself. She joins us on the table, "why you out here, looking all meaningful...". I chuckle, "no reason. Just taking my break".

    "I see. So you don't need to talk to me?" I feel her look at me, as does Lloyd. She wants to know what happened up in my room, but it's Dylan's business. "I do need to talk to you, but it can wait until tomorrow. As for earlier, I'm fine" I poke her. "Hear that?" I poke Lloyd too, "I'm fine".


    We all get back to work. The next group of skaters, I see; has Tibias's younger brother in it, Sinclair. He came up to me barefoot, asking for size 10s. I take his Airs from him, handing over the roller skates, "here you go".

    Sinclair puts the skates on in front of me. When he's done, he stands up right, "can you do me a favor, sis?". I sigh, leaning over the counter, "I'm not interested in your brother anymore, and I don't want to hear anything he has to say". Shame on Tibias, getting Sinclair involved in his mess. The boy is only 15, let him hash out his own drama; and not yours.

    "He's outside" Sinclair stands off to the side, so I can tend to other skaters. "Just leave him out there, and you go have fun. If he text you, tell him I said boy bye". Sinclair laughs, rolling off.

    As I'm watching everyone sail around the rink, my phone vibrates. It's Dylan, calling me. When I don't answer, he texts me.

    Dylan: Can we talk, tonight?

Me: I cant leave Josie again, she freaked when I left for work.

    Dylan: Are you disappointed in me?

Me: We can talk tomorrow. I'll stay home from school.

    Dylan: Ester, are you disappointed?

Me: See you tomorrow morning.

    I'm not disappointed, I don't have the full story yet. I wont know how I feel, until we talk further.


    Leaving work after our shift, Felicity decided to call Ethan while I was with her. She said she needed me, in order to have the courage to call him.

    The phone didn't ring long,  not giving Felicity time to gather her thoughts. "Felicity, baby" I hear Ethan plead. Felicity calmed herself, loosening her seal belt, "yea. Hi".

    He laughs in relief, "how are you?". They're so cute, it hurts me. Felicity cheesed like a little girl, beginning to tear up, "I'm good".

    Not even 24 hours apart, and they're falling over each other. "That's good, that's good" Ethan sighs. The line gets quiet, so I encourage Felicity to keep talking. She wiped the tear that had fallen, "Ethan, I'm sorry". "No, no, no" he tells her, "don't be. You don't act your age; I forgot to bring that into account".

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