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    "Mom, I can't pretend like everything is okay, like you do. I do have fears, have worries. I care about how I handle shit, because I have a daughter that looks up to me; and children learn what they see!" I pace around mom's bedroom. "All of it. Everything I've been keeping a brave face for, is resurfacing. Mom; I can't take it anymore" I plead.

    I kept Josie home from daycare today. After that scare yesterday, I wanted to spend a little more time with her.

    We came over to moms to kill time. Josie soon feel asleep, and mom of course brought up the Dylan situation. I told her what happened at the zoo, and broke down. I didn't get to cry yesterday, or last night: cause Josie slept with me. All of my frustrations are coming out, and mom isn't helping in the least.

    "That's being a women, Ester. No one said it'd be easy".

    "I'm only 18, mom. I know getting pregnant at 15 wasn't smart, but it's not like I planned it. I love my baby, and everything she's taught me. I just need a break from it all. I feel like I'm going to die" I cry harder.

    All this emotion just crept up on me. There was so much I never got to do, due to being pregnant; than having a baby at home. I had to grow up fast, and no; it wasn't easy. I had to stop Boxing, no more hanging with friends, no more late nights, no nothing. I felt like the preachers kid who didn't rebel. I just want to be able to not make such a big deal of everything. The worries of being a mother are tiresome.

    For once in a long time; I felt my mother's love, as she put her arms around me. "Baby, I am so proud of you. Your life is absolutely perfect. This feeling you have, is the devil trying to sway you. Dylan is back, and you want him".

    "Mom" I whine.

    "You want him Ester, but don't want him to think you need him, or that it was okay; what he did. You are afraid to love" she squeezes me.

    She couldn't be any further from the truth. I just want to be selfish for a day or two, but I know I can't do that. I have to be responsible, and think of the consequences. The devil may try and sway me, but he'll lose.

    "Mom, stop making Dylan the issue here" I wipe my tears. "I'm just stressed, and I don't know how to handle it".

    She smiles, rubbing my shoulders, "I know how to handle it".

    I'm not smiling with her, "and how exactly is that, mom?".



    Once Josie woke up, I took her out for lunch, and stopped by my school to see Felicity. I parked in the side parking lot, finishing the subway; we got.

    "Hey girl" City approaches the car.

    "Get in" I tell her.

    Mom's big idea, was a date with Dylan. I laughed so hard, I fell to the floor. That definitely made me ease up a bit. I was dead set against it, but she promised me something. Josie has been asking for a car; I know I can't afford. Mom offered to get one for Josie's birthday coming up. I of course am going to help pay for it, but just knowing I can surprise my baby girl with the only thing she's been asking for; I will do just about anything.

    Felicity plays with Josie, asking her for her perfectly colored nails. I was texting Dylan, making plans. Mom quickly called him, letting him know the deal.

    "But guess what?" I pull Felicity's attention to me. "Mom has up'd her tactics to blackmail".

    Usually when mother wants something, she guilts you into doing it; if you turn her down the first time.

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