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Josie's birthday party is in a few days, and things aren't going too smoothly. It's been some days since Dylan confessed, and Mrs. Union just got back to us; well me, yesterday. Mrs. Union wants to have a long talk with Dylan, but she has forgiven him.

He bothered me every day after work, until she finally sat me down. With that out of the way, Felicity and her problems; have become mine. She tried to go home, and got into it with her mother. Now Felicity is staying with me and Josie, crying up the place. On top of Felicity and her mood, mom has been extra friendly; creeping me out. It's not like her, but everyone is loving it. So much happens, in such short periods of time. I don't know where I find the time, for all this drama and mess.

Felicity and I stayed home from school again, to try and calm our lives. Felicity is meeting with Ethan; hopefully they get back together, and I'm meeting with Dylan. I think I found a good place for the party; I've shown mom and she thinks it's ok; now I'm being civil and including Dylan.

I parked in his driveway, texting him 'I'm here'. Peering around, I see him in the front door; waving me inside. Rolling my eyes like I always do, I unbuckled and got out.

Getting in the house, he isn't dressed, and I smell he's been drinking. "I said I'd be here in an hour. Why aren't you ready?" I watch him try and clean up. "I just got rid of my cousin. You remember Shay, right?" he packs a few empty beer bottles back in their box.

Taking a seat, seeing this may be a while, I ask what Shay has to do with him not being ready. Dylan sighed, sitting across from me, "he came here a wreck. His mother is acting crazy, because my father might be getting out early". I want to go off, expressing my total dislike towards Mr. Shay, but that won't do any good.

"How is that possible?" Is all I can get out. Dylan rubbed his hands over his face, "apparently, murder isn't as serious as a crime, as they make it out to be". "Don't say that Dylan. Something has to be wrong there".

"I don't care what it is. If he gets out, I don't want him anywhere my family; which means Shay, his mother, and you guys. I don't care if Aunt Molly is his sister, and Shay his nephew".

"I doubt he's going to get out, and..." I begin, trying to ease the thought.

"We don't have to talk about him. I was just answering your question" he cuts me off. Obviously he's hiding how he really feels. "Let me change, I'll be right down" he walks off, heading upstairs. "I'm not rushing you Dylan. If you want to vent, you know I will listen" I stop him.

It upsets me that I couldn't stay mad with him for all the time he missed, and no matter what happens in our lives; I can't not want to be there for him. He threw his head back on the stairs, just standing there with his back to me. I waited patiently, but when I saw he wasn't moving; I went up to once again comfort him.

I stood on the step in front of him, opening my arms. There are tears running down his face; which is breaking my heart. He pulled me closer, resting his head on my midsection. Dylan cried to me, trying to fight it. It's frustration, I know. If Mr. Shay gets out, he better not even come looking Josie's way. Whether he had something wrong with him, was on something, or found god; I don't want him near my daughter, or even near Dylan. He's hurt them enough.

Some how, we made it up the stairs, and to Dylan's bedroom. I watched him stare at himself in the vanity, in his doorway. All was quiet, and I can't seem to pull myself away from the situation. As I'm looking at him, gazing over his body, I have time to check out the tattoos in his flesh. I noticed the Josephine Sarah tattoo at moms, but there is another one catching my eye.

"What's that?" I walk up to him, as he's going into his closet. Without asking, I place my hands on him; feeling up his ribcage. On the side of his torso; kind of hidden under his arm, is my full name. It's huge, and printed perfectly 'Ester Jacqueline Jacobs'. I kept his arm out of my way, as I just stared at it; thinking "he has my name, simi permently scared on his body".

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