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    Dylan stood outside of Josie's hospital room door. We got her here in time, and she's doing fine; just a little weak. I laid beside her in the small bed, careful of the wires. The ride over was quiet, and scary. I knew not to panic, as she was heaving. We both stayed calm, wanting to just hurry and already be at that hospital.

    "You're okay baby" I stroke her hair. I can see Dylan watching us, and listening through the crack.

   "Where am I mommy?" she digs at all the wires taped to her hand, and arm. "Where at the hospital, baby. The nice doctors helped you". Like always, Josie has to ask evey question. "Help me?".

    She knows she can't eat strawberries, I guess she didn't see or know that's what the short cake was. "Honey, you ate a strawberry at the zoo. You couldn't breath" I explain, wrapping my arm around her.

    She looks at me lost, "no I didn't". "You did. You had a cake, and we didn't know there were strawberries in it".

    "Daddy's cake?" her big eyes get glossy, "why would daddy do that mommy?".

    I look back to the door, to see if Dylan heard. I take it he did; he isn't there anymore.

    "Josie baby, he didn't know. Mommy should have told him you were allergic. I'm sorry" I kiss her forehead.

    Dylan must be crushed; not only did I make him feel like it was his fault, Josie thinks it was too.

    I leave Josie, to go check on Dylan. I told her if she needed anything while I was out, to push the button, and a nurse would come. When I found Dylan, he was sitting in the waiting room, composing himself. There was no one else in there; just him, and a TV, playing ads and showing the date and time.

    "I'm sorry", is all I can say. I feel like crap. I was scared for my daughters life, and that caused me to not think, before I spoke.

    I sat beside him, as he kept his head down. "I shouldn't have blamed you; you didn't know. It was an honest mistake, and the most important thing is that Josie's okay".

    "I heard her in there. She thought I would intentionally try and hurt her".

    "She's 2, and very intelligent. Talk to her, she will understand". I want to tell him she will forget it soon, but this whole day will stay with her forever; nanny's friend being her father, the zoo and all the animals... it's all linked. Poor girl will probably remember this day, just seeing a giraffe.

    Dylan finally looks at me, "It's not that, Ester. If I didn't have to leave you, I would have been in her life, and would have known my daughter was allergic to strawberries. It is my fault; it's all my faulty".

    Here he goes again, with the "I had to leave". All I know, is one day; Dylan was ready to go; all of a sudden. The day he left, he sent my world crashing to the ground.

    I grab his hand, holding on tight, "c'mon, we should be with her".

    "No. She doesn't want to see me".

    "You don't know that, and you're our ride back home... so. Get your ass up". I tried to lighten the mood, but Dylan is stuck in this funk.

    He took a breath, preparing himself to face Josie. "Ester. You do still love me, right?" he looks up to me, standing in front of him.

    How to react to that. He's already down; I don't want to kick him too. "C'mon" I take his hand, leading him back to Josie's room.


    I let Dylan go in first. Josie was sitting up, watching TV. I had to practically push him in there. He stood by the door, then tried to leave. "Dylan, go" I whisper, directing him into the room.

    He went in, and sat in front of her; blocking the TV. It started out slow, but once he opened up to her; he couldn't stop talking. By time he was done confessing to her; he was crying, and Josie was hugging him; saying, "it's okay, daddy".



    The whole ride back to my car, City was texting me. After a while, I stopped caring about Mrs. Union, the Rink, that money, everything. I almost lost my baby girl, screw everyone else.

    Dylan noticed the way I was acting, and couldn't help but pry. "Are you good for the night?".

    Actually wanting to get if off my chest, I spill. "Yea, it's just. Someone gave my boss a lot of money. I don't trust it, but she's using it anyway. I just, don't want this to some how hurt her".

    "4K?" he asks, stopping at a red.

    "Yes. How did you know?".

    "I gave her that money".










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