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    "Speak of the devil", I roll my eyes.

    Dylan grins, "hi to you too, Ester. Hey mom. Felicity, it's been a while" he comes to hug her. "Dylan Shay" she hugs him, being nice.

    "Dylan, why are you here?" I sigh.

    He smiles at me, "to see my daughter".

    This ends here, and now. "You're not gonna be showing up at my mothers, to see her. She doesn't know you, and from what I can see; you aren't trying to really build and bond with her".

    You're not gonna visit my daughter, without me there, or my approval.

    "That's because, I'm trying to get in good with her mother first". Josie heard Dylan's voice, and ran out to him; jumping up in his arms.

    "Don't worry about me. I'm not gonna stop you from seeing her; just do it the right way" I put my arms out for Josie to come to me.

    This kitchen is getting real crowded now, and clearly mom and City fell it. "Ok baby girl, lets go show godmother the block castle you built yesterday" mom takes Josie from me, leaving with Felicity on her tail.

    I'm sick of these pointless talks with him. They go nowhere, and accomplish nothing. I tried to get down from the counter, when he traps me in with his arms. "Do you really hate me, Ester?".

    I want to say "yes". I don't hate him, I hate what he did. "What do you want, Dylan?".

    "My family back".

    I laugh, "oh, cause you stayed long enough, for us to be a family? Don't try it".

    "I didn't leave you Ester, you stayed on your own. I asked you to marry me, and we'd move away and raise our baby. You said no".

    It crushed me, when Dylan said he was leaving. It hurt even more, when I turned him down. I stayed to better our daughter. I was going to be 16, with a newborn. There was no way, I could finish school and raise her; without my mother.

    He stared into my eyes, slowly breaking me down. "Explain to me, how that would work Dylan".

    "Baby, we could have made it work. Just as planned, I found a good job, making good money. I was going to take care and provide for my family, whatever it took" he grazed my thigh, "you didn't trust me".

    Young, does not mean stupid. There was no way in hell, I was risking being broke or homeless; with my baby. I stayed, knowing for sure; Josie would do ok.

    I held back tears, I don't want to appear weak, "everything I did, was for her. I wasn't leaving anything to chance".

    "Well, you should have. I have a big house, multiple rides, we could have hired a nanny while you finished school; even college if you wanted. I promised you the world... I don't break my promises".

    Dylan may have done what he said he was going to do, but I don't regret staying. "Where is this going Dylan?". He's suppose to be here for Josie, not me.

    "Hopefully, home with you".

    "I mean with Josie".

    He hung his head, taking a break from trying to get me, "I want to see her, get to know her. Teach her to ride a bike, cuddle at night; till she falls asleep in my arms. I want her to call me daddy".

    "And how do you plan on doing that?".

     Here we go, he peers back up into my eyes, "by being with you".

Saving All My LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz