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We sat on the steps, outside of the mall. So far, we have just been catching up. I can't keep dwelling in the past, or I'll never get over it.

Dylan was telling me of all the jobs he did, while working construction. The guy had three jobs, for a whole year, before finally moving up in the business; making more money.

I'm actually impressed. Not saying I doubted him, I just didn't see him going as far as he did. I'm proud of, and happy for him.

It was getting chilly, so we got up to go inside, but not before he gave me his jacket. I tried to reject it, but it smelled so good, and the warmth was just what I needed.

The reason I brought him here, was to shop for Josie's surprise party. Dylan was glad to help, and thankful I wasn't throwing him missing out on her life, in his face anymore.


"So, what is our baby into? Pirates? Trains? Marvel?" he asks, as we make our way to the toy store, for themed decorations.

I giggle a little, "you do know Josie's a girl, right? Why would she be into that?".

He shrugs, "she doesn't seem like your regular little girl. I know she isn't into princesses; probably doesn't even like the color pink".

Again, I'm laughing; he's right. "She hates pink; especially clothing, unless it's subtle. I tried to buy her a really cute pink dress to get her pictures done; she cried until I put it back".

Now Dylan's laughing, "she knows what she likes. She stands her ground".

Entering the Toy's 'R' Us, Dylan wants to go nuts; buying stuff for Josie. I head for the party aisle; if he wants to come, he can.

After checking all the different themes out, I can't find one that isn't pink on the girls side, or the doesn't have dinosaurs or weird creatures on it on the boys. Josie won't like any of this.

"Can't decide?" Dylan stands behind me. I look back, to see he went and got himself a cart. "All the girl stuff is pink, and I can't get the boy stuff, cause it's not right. It's not what she likes" I keep looking, thinking maybe I missed something.

"No sweat; lets go to another store".

We walk around a bit longer, Dylan buying just about everything he thought she would like. When we finally get out of Toy's 'R' Us, he had spent over two hundred dollars.

Every store we went in after, Dylan bought stuff; toys, crafts, clothes, shoes, a karaoke machine.

"All that stuff isn't coming in my house" I point.

"It can come to mine, or stay at moms" he huffs, trying to carry all the bags of gifts.

I help him out, by grabbing a few bags. He's gonna have to take some of this stuff back; I'm not spoiling my daughter, and mom wonty allow all this clutter in her house.

I peer at Dylan, still struggling; even after I took a load off, "hey, when did you start calling my mother; mom?". When did mom approve of him, calling her mom.

"The night I came back. I was scared as hell, just showing up there; knowing she hated me". Dylan stops us, taking a seat. I grin, sitting with him.

"She answered the door, and almost knocked me over with a hug. When I saw Josie, I knew she was ours" his eyes light up. "I started to cry. I guess she saw my pain. Either way; after we had a long talk, we were good, and she told me I could call her mom".

Wow; score points for mom. My mother isn't a mean person, but she is the tough love type of person. I don't know what came over her, to comfort Dylan.

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