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    Dylan paced around the gazebo we decided to talk in, at the public gardens. He's chewing at his thumb nail, like he always does when he's on edge. He gave me in full detail, how the rink caught fire and burned; now we're trying to figure a solution.

    "So you gave Mrs. Union that money, to make up for it? You know it coast a lot more than money, to rebuild that place?" I tell, more than asking. He pinches the bridge of his nose, in frustration him, "I know that Ester".

    Before he can say anything else, I just come out with it, "your gonna have to tell her". The only way to make this right, is to apologize and let her know what happened. "I can't ; she'll have me arrested, I have a business and family to take care of", now he's looking like I'm stupid. "Dylan, it was an accident; though I don't know why you felt the need to play with fire, right on top of the roller rink".

    He shook his head, still pacing, "nope; can't do it". "She won't call the cops on you. It's not like you meant to do it; plus, you helped her money wise, and knowing what really happened will give her closure".

    Dylan gave me the sad eyes, still contemplating. He stopped in front of me, "what if she does? I can't go to jail; I can't leave you again, I cant disappear on Josie". He doesn't need to worry about us, he needs to worry about doing the right thing. 



     I stood outside of the rink, staring at the building. So much has happened here; I met my best friend, the father of my daughter, I've won roller contest that got me on the local news, I'm able to provide for myself and child here, my father taught me how to roller skate here. Though it's a new building, I love what it use to be, and the memories it holds.

    Dylan stood close behind me, calming his nerves. He held my hand behind my back, squeezing it so I know he still doesn't want to do this. He was about to say something, when Mrs. Union unlocked the entrance, and opened the door. "I saw you standing out here, I was wondering what you were doing" she smiles. I greet Mrs. Union, as she lets us in, locking back up.

    "So what brings you here Ester? And why aren't you in school?" Mrs. Union asks, following behind us. I bring Dylan to a booth with me, as Mrs. Union tags along. "We wanted to talk to you" I tell her, as we take a seat, "this is my friend, Dylan" I finally acknowledge him.

    She smiles asking how he is doing, then realizes who he is. "Your friend?" She looks to me, then talks to Dylan, "aren't you the young man that gave me all that money? You are so kind. Your parents raised you well". He smiled uneasy, "thank you". "No, thank you" she tells.

    "Mrs. Union, we have something to tell you" I cut to the chase. Dylan again is squeezing my leg, but if he really doesn't want to go through with it, he can get up and go. He moved in closer to me, turning to speak in my ear. As much as I fight it, he keeps finding a way to make me comfort him. I kept my status, as in "don't be a chicken". I look to him, as he resettles in his sat, "I'm right here, it's okay". Even after all these years, I still feel the need to be there for him.

    Dylan took a deep breath, not wasting anymore time. "What I'm about to say, will probably upset you in a few different ways, but Ester here; has shown me the right thing to do. I only pray that you can forgive me, and accept my apology. If there is anything I can do to help or make it better, please let me know" Dylan rambles on.

    Mrs. Union gave him a warm smile, wanting him to go on. I placed my hand on his back, giving the 'go ahead'. "Mrs. Union, from the bottom of my heart, I am most deeply sorry for the trouble I've cause you. I am the reason, for the fire two years ago".

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