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    "I know mom, I'm sorry. Can you just do me this favor? I will there as soon as I can" I lie.

     I called mom, telling her Felicity was going through some crazy withdrawal, and needed to go to the hospital. With that, she would have to take Josie to her surprise party, and break the news that "mommy won't be spending your birthday with you" to Josie. I know it's cruel to break my daughters heart like that, but I 100% plan on catching it before it crashes.

    "Ester, please tell me your joking. She's already looking for you, where are you?" Mom gets mad. I know she's disappointed, but It will all be worth it. "I'm on my way to the hospital. Look; party starts in 30 minutes. Just get her dressed and go; make sure to let Dylan know when you're outside. I have to go mom, love you, thank you, kiss Josie for me, bye" I rush her off the phone.

    I hear mom yell my name, before I hang up. Felicity laughs, shaking her head, "she's going to kill you". 


    We get to the party, and like I suspected; Felicity is in awh."Wow Ester, you went all out" she looks over the whole set up, smiling and waving to the guest already here. "Thanks, but Dylan did all the heavy lifting" I look around the room, finding him cleaning up some.

    "I guess I owe him an apology too" she looks his way. "We are trying to rebuild a relationship, and it'd be nice if you didn't think of him as scum". She twirls away from me, heading towards Dylan.

    As minutes went by, the place filled up with Josie's friends from daycare, family, and some neighbour and park friends we've made. It's 1 o'clock, and mom just messaged Dylan; saying she's outside. We keep the lights on, so we can surprise Josie with the glow; when she gets in. Dylan and I stood front and center, as everyone waited behind us, to yell Happy birthday. I held Dylan's hand, as I heard mom and Josie getting closer.

    Right before they opened the door, he leans in; giving me a kiss on the cheek. I immediately get butterflies. These good feelings outweigh the bad.

    Mom opens the door, with my Josie at the end of her hand. "Happy Birthday Josie!" We all cheer. Dylan captured a picture of her reaction, which was priceless. Josie's eyes landed on me, causing her to start crying. She ran to me; wrapping her little arms around me, as I crouch to her.

    A tear left my eye, knowing we could do this for her. "Happy birthday baby. Did we surprise you?". She nods, crying on my shoulder. "Well, this is all for you, and daddy has something to show you" I stand with her in my arms. I hug mom as she rolls her eyes, going over to the light switch with Dylan. He got everyone's attention, telling them we have another surprise for Josie. We count down from 3, then the lights go out.

    All of the kids were amazed, and the parents impressed. "Happy birthday baby girl" Dylan taps his lips, for a kiss from Josie. She kissed him, as he said "I love you". "I love you too daddy" she reached for him.

Mom pinched me, and slapped my arm, "you could have told me". I smirk, "if I told you I was lying, it wouldn't be as big of a surprise now would it?". I smile at my mother, giving me the evil eye. "You did good" she nudges me. "Thank you mom; I learn from the best".


    The kids played for an hour, then we were ready to serve the cake. We cut all the lights again, and sing. Charmaine even got the frosting to glow in the dark, with a little help from a black light of course. As Josie blew out her candles, the door opens. I went to turn the lights back on, and there's Ethan; with a present for Josie. I greet Ethan and thank him for the gift, but before I can do anything else; Felicity runs over and jumps in his arms.

    "No tongue in front of all these children" I warn them, knowing their about to have a reuniting kiss. She kissed his forehead, his cheeks, his nose, his chin, then his lips, "I love you too".

    I wink at Ethan, as he looks at me confused.

    After we ate cake, and watched Josie open gifts; people began ducking.

    Mom, Felicity, Josie and I, watch Dylan and Ethan clean up as we eat more cake. We all sat on the platform, swinging our legs like midgets.

    "Mom" I bump her, spooning cake into my mouth, "I have something to tell you".

    "Do you?" She steals a spoon full of my cake. I smile, "yea. Dylan and I are kind of back together. He wants J.o.s.i.e and I, to come l.i.v.e with h.i.m, and let you" I look to Felicity, "stay at my place".

    Mom and City frown, mashing the cake in their mouths, "why you spelling?".

"Guys, stop" I whine. They laugh. "That's good, Ej" mom approves. Felicity finishes her cake, putting the paper plate behind her, "you would let me live under your roof? Ester". I stop her from getting emotional, "we aren't l.i.v.i.n.g with him, but you can stay with Josie and I as long as you want". "Nonsense" mom chimes in, "you can stay with me, I have more room for you and that baby".

    Felicity gasps, "Ester!". I shrug, "I didn't tell her". "Oh please; I can tell a pregnant women when I see one. I've known for weeks" mom waves us off.

    Now that the place is clean, mom decides to give Josie her gift. She didn't want to bring it out with the kids here, and them all want to use it. Josie sat on Dylan's lap on the platform, with me, Felicity and Ethan.

    "Josie, we have one last present for you" I point to where mom should be coming from, with the gift. Mom literally drove Josie's gift out; a shiny black toddler Range Rover. "Nanny" Josie laughs, excited, "your driving my car". Mom blasts the sound system she hooked up in the Range, as Whitney Houston sang I wanna dance with somebody . Of course mom has her own music in there.

    "We love you Josie. Happy birthday" I kiss her head, then turn for a kiss from Dylan. He lets my lips free, "do you love me?". Time to face facts, and get a little dirty. I peck his lips two more times, "I do".









So this is the end. Hope you liked it.

Josie, multimedia (Masai Martin)


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