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    "Mommy!" Josie excitedly runs to me, jumping in my arms. She laid her head on my shoulder.

    "Hi baby, I missed you" I stroke her hair. I'm waiting for a response, or anything really, but she just laid there. When I look at her, I see there's tears in her eyes.

    I almost cried myself. Josie's daycare teacher stared at us, smiling, "she talked about you, all day". I tried to put her down to get her bag, but she wouldn't let go. "You missed mommy too?" I ask her, rubbing her back. She nods, still laying on my shoulder.

    "Sorry I didn't come home baby; mommy fell asleep at nanny's. But you had a fun time with nanny, right?". Josie shook her head "no". Me and the teacher laugh. I feel so bad; she never woke up without me before. She was probably scared I wasn't coming back, after not seeing me for so long.

    Before heading over to moms, Felicity asked me to pick her up for work. When I got to her house, she, her mother, and Ethan, were outside arguing; acting all ratchet. Felicity saw me, and came straight for my car, as Ethan ran behind her. She slammed the door, locking it. Ethan stood at the window, giving City the puppy eyes, yelling, pleading for her not to leave just yet. Her mother is still on the front step, yelling herself.

    "Drive please" Felicity forces herself to look away from Ethan and her mother.

    We get to moms, as Dylan is pulling in behind us. I swear, he's here every single day.

    Felicity rarely talked the ride over; given she's upset, and Josie was in the back. She got out the car and went right inside, ignoring Dylan when he spoke to her. Dylan went to grab Josie from the back, as I gathered her bag, and mine. "No" I hear her sook.

    "Baby, it's me; daddy. You don't wanna come with me?" he asks. Josie began crying again, still telling Dylan "no". He looked hurt; they both have the same sad face.

    "Don't take it personal; she just missed her mommy" I coo, getting Josie from the back. "I'm sorry honey" Dylan kisses her cheek, "I kept mommy out, past her bedtime".

    I laugh; heading into the house, when Dylan grabs my hand, "hey, Ester" he smiles, trying to find the words, "if it's okay with Josie, I'd like to see you again".

    See me again, he's seeing me now. Going out with him the first time; I had an excuse, now what.

    "Again! You had me, all yesterday" I joke, stopping before entering the house.

    "I want you all the time, but we can take it slow". He grins, leaning to my ear, "I saw you watching me this morning". I see me watching him, right now. "And you look good too, but I don't have the time for dating".


    "You know what I meant Dylan. I'm busy, but if you want; you and mom can take Josie out".

    "Cool" he took his rejection, "and Ester, don't think I'm giving up".

    We enter the house; Dylan holding the door open for us, and mom is hugging Felicity. Dylan took Josie to wash up for a snack, while I got the dish.

    Felicity told her mother she was moving in with Ethan, and her mother went off. In the argument between mother and daughter, Ethan tried defending himself, also telling Felicity he loved her. Felicity knew she loved Ethan, but hearing him say it; freaked her out.

    Her mother said some things she shouldn't have, Ethan said some things he shouldn't have, and Felicity couldn't take it anymore. Her fantasy life is becoming reality, and she doesn't know how to deal.

    Mom helped a lot, I didn't have to say much. Though I'm against her living with him, I want my best friend to be happy.

    "Boo City, I know you're scared of change right now, and not the whole moving thing. But I have a feeling, that Ethan is telling the truth. I wasn't going to interfere, but he asked me for help; buying you something really nice".

    Felicity looked to me, tears in her eyes, "really?". "Yea. I don't know what it was for, but he probably wanted to tell you he loved you; making it special, instead of forcing it out to prove something to you and your mother".

    "I'm sorry Ester" she admits, "I wasn't thinking when I agreed to move in with him. Mommy half bet me".

    I hug my best friend, letting her know that everything was going to be okay.

    Dylan returned, smiling at us. We both look at him with Josie in his arms. "What?" he frowns. Felicity smiles, drying her eyes, "nothing, I just never thought I'd see the day. You and Josie, being all father daughter".

    Dylan seemed a bit offended. "Are you mad at me too?" he asks her. She nods, "yea I am, but it's none of my business". "Aww, Felicity" he grins, "do we need to go out on a date too?". That got her to chill. She giggled, "no Dylan, we don't".

    He fixes Josie up his arms, telling Felicity not to worry; he loves us too much to dare leave again. I felt hurt, thinking he didn't really love me if he left the first time. I take it Dylan saw the look on my face. He put Josie to her feet, and pulled me up to my old bedroom.

    Dylan shut the door behind us, locking it. "You blame me, for all of your heartache right?" He asks.

    I sat at the foot of my bed, not saying a word. "I'm trying to show you I'm not going anywhere, ever again. I bought a house here, all of my personal information has been switched to my new address, I make it a priority to try and see you guys everyday. But I guess the only thing that will help you understand and heal; instead of just letting it go, is to tell you why I had to leave".

    I let out a breath, as if I don't care, "Dylan, where is this coming from?".

    He gets closer, kneeling in front of me; holding my hands, "Ester; every time I see that completely broken look on your face, I feel numb all over. It's a slight look, but it kills me. It's the look I use to see in my mother, when she bagged the man she loved more than herself, not to put his hands on her. That look you have, kills me in more ways than one".

    I sniffle, thinking of his parents, "there's no look".

     "There is" he whispers, forcing me to stare into his baby eyes. "The reason I so stupidly left the loves of my life, behind; is because..." he starts.

    I'm finally getting an excuse, other than "I had to", and look how he's giving it. Me being nice, I play in his hair; comforting him as he confess.

    "If I didn't leave, I probably would have gone to jail" he lays his head in my lap. I rub down his back, and up to his head again, "what did you do, Dylan?".

    He takes a long deep breath, "I'm the reason, the roller rink burned down".









Felicity, multimedia (Raye Raye Boyce)


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