Chapter 2 I am a Warrior (Nuffink POV)

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Thank you Grandpa Gobber, I say as he gives me back my most prized possession, my wooden sword after sharpening it. I pretend my hardest that it is sharp and I cant touch it. Ow! It keeps bumping into my leg.

The morning is cool and that makes me happy. I like the parts of the day that are cooler! Oh and I especially like it when it snows. Well this is perfect weather to go sword-fighting and that is exactly what I am about to go do.

Whistling happily I stroll through the middle of New Berk. I dont exactly understand why they call it New Berk. It seems more like it should be called Old Berk. I mean Its been here as long as I can remember. I was born here I think.

Skipping outside the village I enter the trees. Tall and dark green they cast shadows over the damp ground where ferns and mushrooms stuck up. Little slugs slime along rocks and bees gently buzz around the flowerbeds. Stopping under one certain tree - yes this is the one - I pull back the foliage of a rather thick bush. There it is! My worst nightmare! My enemy! I growl at it as I pull it from the bushes and set it in the middle of the pathway. It stares at me with its ugly face (I made it myself) and with my trembling hand I pull my sword from my belt.

Clearing my throat and attempting at the deepest voice possible I point my sword at my aggressor.

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