Part 17 Burning Down Hope - Zephyr POV

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I cough as smoke fills my lungs. Parts of my village are burning as around me the cries of war are heard above all else. My hart races as my feet carry me behind my mom as she and Nuffink run ahead of me. I see my daddy fighting the enemy alongside his people. He is so brave and such a great leader. I want to lead just like him someday.

We head through the rest of New Berk though half of it is in flames and there are in many of the houses that aren't burning ruffians raiding them for whatever plunder they can find. My mommy looks back at me from in front of me just to make sure I'm there. We come to our house but my heart nearly stops as it is engulfed in flames. Mommy opens a hatch on the side of the house down to the basement where we'll be safe and Nuffink gets in. I am about to get in when I realize something and my heart flutters. I left Toothless out. Turning away from the hatch I run into the house.

"Zephyr no!" I can hear Mommy shout, but I can't leave Toothless to burn. I race up the stairs and the flames are reaching out to grab me and burn my flesh but I don't let them. I can feel the intense heat around me as I stumble through the hallway. I rush into my room and everything is burning, even half my bed. Toothless on the bed is just inches from the flames. I run and grab him and squeezing him tight while bracing myself, I run back out. Racing down the stairs am fighting to keep from fainting from the fumes of smoke filling up my chest. I cough as I run back outside and into my mothers arms. She pulls me into the hatch and down into the basement.

She sets me down and looks me in the eye. "Zephyr, why did you do that to me?" she cries, "You could have died and for what?" I loosen my hold on Toothless so she can see him.

I can see tears come into her eyes as she looks at the little dragon in my arms. "Oh honey," she says, "I know Toothless is important to you, but you could have died in there. You scared me half to death and I thought... I thought I was going to see another of my babies burned." And she begins to sob.

"Oh Mommy!" I cry. "I'm so sorry!" and I give her a hug. I didn't want to hurt her, I just couldn't leave Toothless. Mommy reaches out her hand to Nuffink and surprisingly he joins us in our hug.

"I love you so much!" My mommy cries, "Both of you!"


A few hours later, everything has gone quiet. The darkness around me has been my comfort for the last few hours as it meant hiding from danger, but I also really wanted to be up there with Daddy protecting my home. Now I hear a familiar step, clunk, step, clunk, step clunk approaching from above. I squint my eyes as the hatch opens and the moonlight floods in. I see Daddy standing at the door with a torch in his hand. "It's over Astrid." he says and before he can say any more Mommy is up with him with her arms wrapped around him and is kissing his face.

"Oh Hiccup! I'm so glad you're all right!"

"I'm all right Astrid." Daddy says hugging Mommy tight to himself and kissing her back. "Are you all safe?" He asks with deep concern in his voice.

"Yes we are fine." Mommy answers. "I'd every one else alright?"

"Yes, the gang is all fine. Mom, Gobber and Gothi, they're all fine." He says but I can tell by the look in his eyes that there is someone more he is hesitating to say.

"What about my parents?" Mommy asks. Daddy hangs his head and a tear slips from his eye.

"Oh Astrid! I don't know how to tell you this, but..."

"But what!? Hiccup! Talk to me! What happened to my parents!?" Mommy cries, years flooding from her eyes as if they hadn't enough already.

"Their home caught on fire and... We weren't able to get them out. I'm sorry Astrid."

"No!" Mommy cries and sobs into Daddy's cape.

"Shhhh. Astrid baby it's all right. I'm here Astrid. I love you."

"I love you too Hiccup!" Mommy cries. "Oh I love you so much! I don't know what I would do without you or our family!"

Daddy passionately puts his lips to his bride's and kisses her deeply. The oneness between them makes me want to cry. They love each other so much and it is daily apparent. What my Daddy wouldn't do for Mommy and vise versa is an inexistent category. Like Daddy always says, and I know in the deepest parts of my heart to be true, there will always be a Hiccup and Astrid.

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