Chapter 5 The Dragon Journal- Zephyr POV

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"Hhhhhhraaaah!" I cry sending my axe into the air. I watch in anticipation as it flies through the trees. Right on target... Almost there... "Yes!" I hiss as it smacks the target right in the middle. "And Zephyr Haddock strikes the target again!"
I sigh happily in satisfaction with my success as I go to pluck my axe from the tree. I wince in pain slightly as my hand just brushes on the blade.

"Ow!" I exclaim shaking my now bleeding hand. "Oh well." I smile. "It's no fun unless you get a scar out of it."
I go and sit down on a mossy old log and sling my leather satchel up onto my lap. I pull out of it a little leather bound journal and a pencil. I smile as I gaze at the worn cover. It is decorated with the symbol of the night fury, alpha of the dragons and my daddy's best friend. I have had this journal since Daddy gave it to me when I was little and I will always treasure it.

I open it up to the page I had last been on which was marked with a little bookmark I had made out of dragon scales. I continued my sketch of the monstrous nightmare I had been working on. I smirk as I think, "Uncle Snotlout would be proud." I have written in places around my sketches details I have learned about each dragon both from Uncle Fishlegs and from Daddy.

I remember so many times from my childhood when he would come and kiss me goodnight, he would tell me a story about the dragons. Though he described them as huge fantastic beasts, I didn't get a feeling of terror, but I felt warm a safe because Daddy always reassured me that the dragons were our friends and always would be. They had protected us with their lives and if it hadn't been for them, Nuffink and I wouldn't even exist. Toothless saved my daddy's life many times and for that, I will always be grateful and I hope that I will one day be able to repay him.
I clasp the scales of Toothless and Stormfly that hang on a string around my neck. I wish they could be here with me. I close my eyes and I can just feel Toothless's leathery hide and rough scales. I can hear his soft growl speaking to me in dragonese telling me it's all okay.

"Hey sis." Says Nuffink climbing on the log next to me. "

"Hey Nuff." I reply scribbling in my journal. I had been so engrossed in my journal that I hadn't seen him until he entered my peripheral vision looking over my shoulder at what I was sketching. He watches for a minute silently twitching his nose every now and the as if thinking hard about something.

"Monstrous Nightmare?" he asks as I put shading in the flames engulfing the scaly creature depicted on my paper.

"Yep! I reply holding the journal out from me and admiring my work.

"I wonder how many Monstrous Nightmares are in the Hidden World." Nuffink muses

"I'm sure uncle Snotlout would be happy to tell you." I reply with a smirk.

"Uncle Snotlout? But he's never been to the Hidden World. Only we Haddocks have gone there." My little brother declares proudly.

"Well I think he'd tell you anyway just to make sure people know that he knows stuff about Monstrous Nightmares." I say with a giggle. Nuffink laughs. We know our uncles and aunts too well.

"I wonder what it would be like to go back there." I say half to myself and half to Nuffink. "I just want to see Toothless again." Tears are beginning to well up in my eyes, but no! I can't let anyone see me cry.

"Zephyr, are you okay?" my brother asks.

"I'm fine" I insist.

"Okay." says Nuffink.

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