Chapter 3 A Little Snug - Astrid POV

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The sun hits my eyelids as it comes through our window. I look over and Hiccup is still asleep beside me. Sitting up I stretch and yawn. I look back at the face of my sleeping husband. He's so handsome. His well trimmed beard lining his mouth and his chin make him look like the chief that he is; brave and strong. He makes it his endeavor to protect his own, his tribe and his family. Indeed he is a kind chief, and a good loving husband and father.

I bend down and kiss his cheek. He slightly stirs and his lips curve in a smile. With a smile of my own I get up out of bed and begin to quietly dress myself. As I pull on my leather skirt my eyes grow wide and I gasp. It feels tighter than it should. Should I go see Gothi? But realizing the noise I just made I turn around really hoping that I didn't disturb Hiccup. It was too late, he was already getting up.

"Oh, hun! I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you! I was just startled by something." I exclaim going to him and putting my hand on his shoulder.

"No it's okay love. I was going to get up anyway." he says tenderly taking my hands into his. " What were you startled about?"

I bite my lip. I had been startled by the fact that my skirt was tight... I might be... Oh it scared me a little. I know I have been pregnant twice, but it has been a long time. Hiccup and I have been wanting to have another baby for the last couple years but nothing has happened and for a while since, we have thought that Nuffink might be our last. I know Hiccup would be overjoyed to hear that I might be pregnant again but there have been several false alarms in the past and I don't want to get his hopes up before I actually know something.

"Nothing you need to worry about babe." I answer calmly as I smile at him and play with one of his red-brown locks.

He takes my hand and puts it to his cheek; then he turns and kisses it. " I love you Astrid." he says looking at me sweetly with his deep green eyes."

"And I love you knucklehead!" I giggle

With a laugh he sweeps me up in his arms and spins me around; then he kisses me right on the lips.

We look into each other's eyes. I couldn't have asked for a better man to be my best friend for life!

"I'll go see if the kids are awake." I say leaving his arms with a sly grin. I turn down the hallway to Zephyr's room which was the closest to ours. There is Zephyr, still asleep, her nose poking out from under the covers and her red hair flowing out over her shoulder. She snuggles her little toothless she has had since she was a baby close to her cheek as she dozes in and out with the morning. She still loves that doll though she's almost thirteen years old! She has loved listening to the stories of the dragons since she was just a little tot, but now she has seen the real Toothless that was her daddy's best bud and she loves the dragons even more now.

I gently rub her sweet head and give her a kiss. She stirs and moans as she wakes up. " Hey babe." I say, "It's time to get up." she yawns and I turn around to head to Nuffink's room. Now If I know Nuffink, He heard me and is already getting up but... wait! Where is he? I look into his room and he's not there. Rather, the covers are all neatly put back in place and there is no sign of his boots or his little wooden sword.

"Hiccup!"I call. My breath grows quick. Where is my son?

"What is it sweetheart?!" he calls sprinting to me struggling to get his shirt on.

"Nuffink's gone!" I cry beginning to get hysterical

"What!?" He cries just as worried as I am getting.

"His bed is made and his shoes are gone!" I answer, " There's not even a sign of his little wooden sword!"

Upon my saying the last part, Hiccup smiles quite to my surprise. "I think I know where he went."

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