Part 60 Safe - Hiccup POV

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"HELP!" a shrill voice cries. I look and listen. It is coming in the direction of the ship! Amid the flames I see none other than my Zephyr flailing her arms trying to get our attention.

"Oh my-! ZEPHYR! Oh what have we done!?" I cry.

"ZEPHYR!" my Astrid screams.

But then, I hear a screeching sound. The sound of a fury only it's not Toothless. It is one of the nightlights. He whizzes straight over my head and flies straight for the flaming ship and right into the flames. Next I now both of the are tumbling out into the sea.

I waist no time, but I am running straight for the water and Astrid is right on my heels. The heroic dragon picks my daughter up out of the water and flies her to me. She is gasping and crying holding her arms out for someone and I take her in my embrace. "Oh Zephyr! Zephyr baby, it's alright! You're alright! Oh Zephyr my sweet baby girl you're alive!" I sob uncontrollably and I feel Astrid's arms wrap around us both. Zephyr is passed out now, but her heart is beating strong and she is safe in my arms.

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