Part 34 The Nightlight 2 - Nuffink POV

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Toothless has flung me onto his back and we are racing at high speed through the hidden cave. My eyes are clenched shut. I can't look. My face is buried in my sister's hair. Almost everything in me is screaming and begging to live. I know I'm going to die I just know it.

But despite my fearful self, I am reminded of the last time I was flying on a dragon.

"You on okay Nuff?" My daddy asks.

"I think so." I reply. He has a hand around my small waist and we are flying through the air on Toothless. I feel like an eagle as I soar through the air. I put my arms out like wings and I close my eyes with my face forward. The wind blows in my face and whips my hair around.

I laugh as Daddy tosses me up in the air and catches me again and again. I didn't think I would like the heights but now that I'm up here with my daddy's arms around me I feel perfectly safe. And I know Toothless would never hurt me.

I look up and memories wash back over me as I realize with my eyes that I am really flying on my daddy's dragon. I look in awe at my surroundings. I really am in the hidden world. My heart races and I feel like putting my arms out as if they were wings.

We suddenly land at the base of a huge glowing rock. My sister gets off the dragon and I figure I should too. There are a bunch of dragons like Toothless, four to be exact, three of them in a tussle and one which I recognized to be the light fury, but the other three I didn't recognize... wait... could it be? Yes! It has to be! They are the nightlights. I just remember them being so much smaller and now... now they are fully grown dragons!

They come to order as their sire approaches them. Sitting in perfect formation with their feet together and their heads up they are perfectly still. But all of a sudden the stillness breaks when one of them notices my sister. He stands and crawls slowly toward Zephyr. I look anxiously at Toothless. Will he be angry? My bones shiver. I do NOT want to tangle with an angry dragon!

With his majestic Black and white tail trailing behind him, the nightlight fury cautiously approaches my sister. He looks at her curiously with his blue eyes as if he could sense something familiar in her. She puts her hand out just like Daddy taught us. Tingles run up and down my spine as he puts his nose to her outstretched hand. I can't believe it! Zephyr actually just bonded with a dragon! She looks up in excitement and disbelief. With the biggest smile I have ever seen on her she scratches the dragons chin. I can see love in her eyes.

But suddenly, something tugs at my heart. I turn my head to the other two nightlights and my attention is drawn to one in particular. The white one is staring at me. Her head is down and her green eyes just like those if her daddy's look up at me. A feeling rushes upon me and I am convinced that I have never felt so strongly about anything in my life before.

Okay I should do it!

No you shouldn't! What are you crazy?

But I know this dragon is for me. I just feel it!

But what if it hurts you?

Not with Toothless here she won't!

And with that I reach out my hand and close my eyes.

I never feel like I have waited so long for anything in my life. Why won't this dragon com to me? Is there something wrong with me? Maybe she's not for me. Maybe this beautiful majestic creature us not to be mine after all. Maybe I should just give up and put my hand down.

Yes, put you hand down.

No! I want to train this dragon so bad!

You could never train a dragon! You don't have it in you! You're not as brave as your daddy and you never will be!

No! I will leave my hand out! I will be brave like my daddy! I can!

No you can't!

But suddenly, in the middle of my conflicted thoughts, I feel something on my hand. I have never been happier to feel something in my life. I looked up, and there she was, her head bowed and pressed to my hand.

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