Part 22 Thanks Bigmouth - Zephyr POV

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The wind blows in my face as I look up at the cloudy, blue sky. I look out over the ocean which I am now sailing on. This is definitely a new experience because I have never been off New Berk by myself. Well I'm not really by myself... I have Nuffink with me. But never have I been anywhere off my island without either Daddy or Mommy. But here goes! I think K can handle myself, I mean after all I'm thirteen aren't I?

Nuff leans onto the rail if the deck next to me where I'm standing. "So where we going sis?" He asks.

"I don't know." I answer.

"You don't know?" He asks. "We got a ship and sailed out to the middle of the ocean and she says she doesn't know?!" And he throws his hands in the air.

"Well I don't." I say.

"I may not be the best at making them but... Shouldn't we have some kind of a plan?"

"I have a plan." I reply. "We go find the guy in charge of the raids and talk some sense into him."

Nuffink looks at me with his jaw dropped. "Really Zeph? Is that all you got? I wanna go home!"

"Look Nuffink," I say. "I know it's rough around the edges but I'm working on it. I just need to figure out where this guy we need to talk to is.'

"Now you're talking!' Nuffink says with a burst of energy drawing his little sword.

"On guard brother!" I say unsheathing Daddy's dagger.

"Oh are we gonna do this in combat?" Nuff asks widening his stance.

"Where do you think we should go?" I ask striking his sword.

"Wherever bad guys go!" He shouts like a battle cry.

"Good!" I say, "and where do bad guys go?" I ask again dodging his strike.

"They hide! He says jumping back and forth to confuse me.

"They sure do! And where would they hide?" I ask.

"I have no idea!" My brother shouts.

"Oh yak stew! Now what?"

"I dunno but I love this energy!" Says Nuff still bouncing as I have fallen on my butt and have my chin in my hand in frustrated thought.

"What's the problem sis?' Nuff asks plunking himself down next to me and trying to imitate me.

"I have no clue what to do now." I say with a sigh. I pull Toothless out if my satchel and look into his green eyes.

"Aw it's okay. You're Zephyr! You'll think of something!"

I chuckle. "Thanks buddy, but I don't think it's quite that simple."

"Sure it is! You're just like Daddy and he always thinks of something." My little brother declares.

I sigh as I look at him. "You're right Nuff. I have to do this. I just have to think about how happy it will make Daddy and Mommy. Daddy could figure this out. I just wonder what he would do."

"But as I finish speaking I notice something out of the corner of my eye. As it comes into full view, I see it is another ship only much bigger than ours.

"How did we not see that!?" I whisper hoarsely. "Nuffink hide!" And we scramble to hide behind some barrels. The boat shakes as O can tell it is being pulled to the side of the other bigger ship. Soon enough, I hear feet on our deck.

"Well what have we got here?" Says one voice. "A ship off on its own way out here in the middle of nowhere."

"Looks like a Berkian ship." Says another voice. "Now what would a Berkian ship be doing way out here with no crew."

"I think we'll find a crew mate. They just might be hiding somewhere."

"Ahhhh, Ahhhh..." Nuffink begins. Oh no! He's going to -

"AhCHOO!" Great! Now we're done for.

A raggedy, scarred up head pops over the barrel and glares at us." What are a couple of brats like you doing on a ship out in the middle of nowhere?"

"Please don't hurt us sir!" I cry. "We mean no harm."

"We just want to make Mommy and Daddy happy again!" Nuffink adds. Oh brother! Ya really had to mention that part. Bigmouth.

"Whose your Mommy and Daddy?" The man growls as if he had the voice of a dog.

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