Part 63 Dagny - Zephyr POV

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Dear Diary

This has been one crazy night... well, at least for Mommy and Daddy. After we lost Sieglinde, we were all distraught. But then, in an attempt to cheer Mommy and Daddy, Nuffink and I went on a quest to bring the dragons back, and we were successful. The dragons have made the archipelago their home again. Of course the go to the hidden world around Snoggletog when it's their mating season, but Toothless has made his home here with us again. Even the Light Fury is now becoming more docile and friendlier to us humans, but in many ways, she is still a mystery. Eclipse is my dragon. He and I share a bond I never thought I would ever make. Dawn is my brother's and they also share a beautiful bond as dragon and rider.

Right now, Daddy is helping Mommy through labor. I still can't believe Mommy got pregnant again and we will hopefully have a new brother or sister very soon. While we wait, I am snuggled up in the family room with my dragon and Nuffink is fast asleep with his. I am feeling very.... very... sleepy.

I hear the door upstairs open. I hear Daddy's signature step, clink, step, clink coming down the stairs. He comes into the room with a huge smile on his face. "Zephyr, Nuffink," he says with a breaking voice. "Come upstairs, there is someone I'd like you to meet."

I gasp and jump to my feet. Nuffink does the same. Daddy takes our hands in his and brings us upstairs with him to see Mommy and the new baby.

Mommy is laying in the bed which is a little of a bloody mess but none of us seem to care. All that is on our minds is the little bundle that she hold so tenderly. Her expression as she looks down is indescribably loving and tears flow from her eyes.

"Come children," she says in tears. "Meet your new baby sister."

Quietly and carefully, we come close enough to see what is in the little b8undle and we see the perfect little face of a newborn baby.

"Her name is Dagny." Daddy whispers. "It means, 'new day.'"

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