Part 23 All Those in Favor - Hiccup POV

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"Hiccup get a ship! We need to get the dragons. Then we'll be able to find them!" My poor wife says pacing around half dressed and in tears. I am quite shaken up myself but my head is beginning to take over and I am beginning to calm down. Astrid however is a wreck.

"Astrid! Astrid, honey just calm down." I say taking her by the shoulders. "Breathe Astrid. Just calm down."

"Oh Hiccup what do we do? Is there any better time to summon the dragons? Hiccup our children are in danger!"

"I know Astrid, I know. But so will the dragons be if we put them in danger. I can find out children and I will find them if it takes me the rest of my life! I will not let out children go Astrid!" A tear slips down my cheek. I wrap my Astrid in a hug and kiss her head.


"We have called this emergency council meeting on behalf of New Berk and specifically the Haddocks." Mala says to the circle of chiefs of which I am a part. She motions to me and I stand.

"Thank you Mala. I have requested this emergency meeting on behalf of my family. My children are missing and I have no idea where they might have gone."

"With raids targeted on Berk they could be in real danger!" Says one chief. I shudder. It tears at my heart to think that my children very well could be in incredible danger.

"That is why I need help to find them." I say trying to keep my composure but I am failing and I have to sit down.

"Are you all right Hiccup?" Dagur asks.

I sigh. "As much as I can be."

"We feel for you Hiccup." Says Mala. "I understand how you feel. If my child disappeared I would do everything to find him." She glances at Dagur. "I think I can speak for all of us that we will help you search for your children and will not rest until they are found. Shall we take this to a vote? All those in favor of helping Chief Hiccup Haddock find his children say Aye."

"AYE!" Resounds unanimously around the circle.

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