Part 32 We Meet Again - Hiccup POV

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There is no sense in sitting here moping. Whether my children are still alive or not I have to find them and I'm not going to do that just sitting here. I just feel terrible. This is all my fault.

My head is still throbbing. I put my hand to the side of my head as if to make it feel better but my heart sinks and my breath grows shallow as I pull it back and my eyes meet a very bloody hand. Now all I can think is how lucky I am that I am conscious and can walk. However I am very dizzy and disoriented.

Where should I go? What happened anyway? I look around me and everything is pitch black. I feel around and my hands hit a rock wall. I'm in a cavern of some sort.

Great! Now I know that if I step one way or another I could plunge to my death.

But wait! I remember I have my dragon blade in it's sheath at my side. I draw it out and ignite its flame. To my relief I do not see mys of to be in incredible danger. I just have to figure out how to get out of here so I can find my kids. But at the same time I am hoping that they haven't fallen in here like I have.

Well the best I can do is to just go forward. Holding my flaming blade in front of me I walk forward into the cavern. All around me is black but that which is illuminated by my blade. I have to walk carefully to not trip on the various cracks and rocks on the floor. It is cold and wet in here and every little once in a while I find myself stepping in a puddle.

I hear running water nearby. I walk around the bend and come into a huge chamber above me is a large waterfall where torrents of rushing water plunge into the depths of a deep abyss. Beside it is a smaller waterfall flowing into a large pool in a part of the chamber.

But the strange thing about this chamber is that there are torch w mount e on th walls. I am not the only one here.

But suddenly, ai am a are of the presence of another person in the same room. I hear a coughing from by the pool behind a rock. On my guard, I approach the source of the noise with my blade ready to be used. With a deep scowl on my face I round the corner upon this person.

Sitting in front of me is a man I never thought I'd see again... Viggo.

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