Part 37 Stranger - Viggo POV

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20 years earlier

My heart pounds as I remain behind with the skrill. Hiccup has just left and I had remain behind to hold off the hunters. What he must think of me now I do not know. He could think lowly or highly of me. Either way I am certain I have thoroughly confused him... Just like I have confused everyone else. What have I done with myself?

Every inch of me is shaking the arrows in my back are shooting pain throughout my body. The Skrill is not paying any attention to me being focused on the hunters but I am afraid that if he fires, I too will be swept up in the garbage. It seems that this might be my last hour.

The skrill growls as our pursuers draw nearer. Bolts of lightning are glowing in his mouth and around his muscular body. He paws the ground ready to meet his adversaries. Truly I never saw how beautiful these creatures are! As hunters come flooding into the room he fires and I prepare to meet my end.

But suddenly I feel something grab me. It pulls me quickly towards a tunnel and after pulling me in slams the roof with a powerful blow causing rocks to fall over the opening just as the lightning would have come through. A tiny bolt manages to find my hand though and gives me a small shock. I since in pain.

I look around me. I lived! I have another chance at life. But what has saved me? I look up and there before me stands another skrill. It stares me in the face and seems to look into my very soul. I remember suddenly what I have seen Hiccup do with dragons so many times. He knows a great deal more about these beasts than I do so perhaps I should follow his example. I close my eyes and I slowly put out my hand. I wait in great anticipation. Can dragons forgive me for what I have done to them?

My heart leaps in relief as I feel the great creature's head on my palm. I look up at the dragon. With a smile I put my hand under its chin and scratch it. It lifts its head seeming to enjoy it.

"Impressive, stranger." says a voice from behind the dragon. I look around the beast and a tall, slender red-headed beauty steps out into view.

'Thank you." I reply. " I learned it from an acquaintance... friend of mine. He is very good with dragons."

"You mean you're good with dragons. I've never seen Bolter act that way with anyone she doesn't know." The girl said giving the dragon a gentle pat. " So tell me stranger, how is a dragon hunter so good with one of the harder dragons to train and how does he have a relationship with Hiccup Haddock and yes I know the boy with the night fury."

Her words sting a little. I know very well that I most recently was a dragon hunter, but now I can't hate that part of my past more. " Madam." I begin. " I don't know that you trust me, but believe me, I am no dragon hunter. For certain I was at a time, a very long time, but now I can't see how anyone could harm these wonderful creatures. Hiccup helped me see that."

"Very interesting story stranger -"

"It's Viggo." I interrupt. Somehow, I don't want her to think of me as a stranger.

'Viggo." She replies, "You are right, I don't trust you. If it weren't for my dragon's taking a liking to you I would not believe you. But there is definitely something in you she sees. After all, she must have seen something in you when I told her to save you."

My heart thumps. This gorgeous creature (the girl that is) saved my life? "And for that," I begin to say with a passion I didn't know I had. " I couldn't be more grateful, "I say taking her hand.



Hiccup POV

"Wow Viggo." I say. "That's great the dragon saved you ."

"Freya saved me Hiccup. She sent her dragon."

"Freya?" I ask puzzled.

"The girl." Viggo replies. There is a certain tenderness in his voice that I hear and it baffles me. In fact I have never heard Viggo speak like that about another person or anything for that matter.

"But there is more to the story... Much more." Says Viggo

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