5 - He Does Not Bite

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First day of my winter vacation .... enjoy!


Julia was still flushed when she sat on the other side of the small round kitchen table. She held the porcelain cup in both hands and kept her gaze steady downward, which underscored the small swelling that formed in the center of her forehead. The silence was disturbing we did not say anything after the good morning. Her dress was lightly wrinkled and her golden hair was rebellious but still equally beautiful.

I took my cup over the saucer and carried it to my mouth sipping my still-steaming tea when Julia set her cup on the saucer and cleared her throat.

"Mr Mercury?" Her voice sounded low.

I lifted one of my brows and pushed the cup out of my mouth.

"Yes, Ms Quinn?" I spoke and the green eyes gleamed.

"I-I'd like to apologize for sleeping on your couch and bothering you with my presence." She spoke with her hands on her lap and blushing even more as if that were possible.

I smirk at her and automatically stop when I realize.

"It was no problem at all, they liked your company from what I could see." I talked as I settled my posture in my chair.

She bit her bottom lip almost unconsciously and I could not help but notice.

"no problems ... you seemed to be needing to rest." I spoke truthfully despite the great jealousy I still felt from her closeness to Tiffany. "But tell me, why did you come to London?" I wonder really interested to know what young Julia Quinn, a little Scottish kitten came to do in this town.

Julia looked quickly into my eyes and looked away again looking annoyed."Let's just say ..." she seemed to be choosing the right words to use. "I'm seeking independence, a life away from what my parents want for me." She spoke with a distant look.

"And what life do they want for you?" I asked really interested in Julia's answer.

She laughs weakly and looks sad.

"A life that is not mine." She spoke with a long sigh at the end.

Poor little scottish kitten.

"I hope you find your life purpose." I finished the subject so as not to expose to her that I had already been through it.

"T-thank you." She thanked  and a small dimple appeared on her cheeks.

"How are your feet?" I asked regretting the next second as she looked at me intrigued.

"It hurts ..." She spoke and the sweet expression became hard. "It was two hours of Wessex here and my shoes were not the best." She spoke and I felt guilty - but that's part of the test.

"You were supposed to take a cab, I did not expect you to walk for two fucking hours." I speak with the obvious, and for the first time I saw Julia roll her eyes.

"Oh sure." She speaks with an ironic laugh.

So here we have the other side of Julia Quinn.

"Forgive me, I do not understand." I said entwining my hands and resting my elbow on the table.

"No problem, this does not really matter to you." She smiles in an extremely ironic way.

Somebody To Love -{ English Version - Freddie Mercury Or Queen Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now