33 - Neighbors

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Soooooryyyyyyyyyy I'm finally here! Hope you all enjoy! Three more chapters for our new book ❤️


September 20 1977, Stafford Terrace.

"She is growing." Freddie spoke lying beside me on our bed, his hand tracing the small curve that grew more and more over the weeks. I had a silly smile on my lips.

He was staying at home for a longer time, since the recordings sessions were over, but when he had a meeting, or even details to settle Wessex, he always took me with him. Always attentive and concerned.

"I tell you, I don't look like I'm four months." I linked our fingers together over the small top of my belly.

It was funny to have a little human growing inside me. Sometimes I found myself looking at myself in the mirror to try to notice the signs that she was growing, but obviously the changes were only noticeable after a night's sleep when the curve seemed to increase.

"When can we feel her moving?" Freddie drummed his long fingers across my belly making me laugh.

It was all so new to me, sometimes I was confused by the weeks, as if the mood swings, forgetfulness was not enough!

"I don't know mo ghràid." I spoke laughing as he got up and lay on my belly with his ear pressed to my navel, one hand resting on my lower belly, caressing it slowly.

"Love of my life," He sang softly with his lips glued to the bare skin of my belly, sending millions of chills all over my body. It was as if his voice had entered my body. "you've hurt me," he whispered, his brown eyes glued to me as if waiting for a sign that she had kicked.

"Continues." I asked smiling at him and taking one of my hands to the side of my belly to encourage her to interact with us.

"You've broken my heart and now you leave me" his voice sounded so sweet that tears started to flood my eyes.

I know, too sensitive.

Never, until that moment, I had seen Freddie sing Love of my life. That day, that song took on another meaning for me.

"Love of my life, can't you see?" He held the note for a few seconds and some tears streamed down my face.

I never forgot the intensity of that moment. It is a day that not even the most hard days have managed to erase from my memory.

"Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me, because you don't know
What it means to me "he smiled as he realized the tears." You are beautiful, "he said with his eyes glued to mine.

"I love you." I said, stroking his hair, he smiled at me while his hand continued on my lower abdomen.

"I love you too and I always will." He smiled at me and kissed my belly in an extremely sweet way.

The silence went on for a few seconds, he had a hand on either side of my abdomen, his ear glued to my navel. I could spend my life watching him look at our daughter, I wouldn't mind.

I would be the happiest person in the world.

"Love of my life, don't leave me." He started singing again while his hands continued to caress my stomach. "You've stolen my love, you now desert me.
Love of my life, can't you see? "He looked at me and I felt my heart double in size.

He was the love of my life.

"Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me
Because you don't know
What it means to me "

Somebody To Love -{ English Version - Freddie Mercury Or Queen Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now