34 - The Letter

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"Are you okay?" I asked Julia again before we left the flat, she was pale.

"Aye! Why wouldn't be?" She asked as we walked over to my car.

Robert skipped ahead of us and hummed some cartoon music when I realized that Julia seemed to be looking everywhere as if she were looking for something.

"I know you Julia! Is something going on?" I asked taking the car keys out of the bag.

Julia leaned against the car and took a few deep breaths. She wanted to speak, but I knew she was afraid of something.

John needed to know that.

"I must have just overdoed the bacon and eggs." She shrugged and got in the car while I helped Robert.

I walked around to the driver's side and looked around the neighborhood, she seemed to be looking for something and I didn't see anything. I knew that Mary lived facing them and that she didn't like her, but she wouldn't leave her that way.

"Okay, so let's have a fun day!" I spoke looking at Robert in the rearview mirror who lifted his arms happily.

Julia gave a half smile and imitated Robert's gesture, slowly relaxing.

"You know, I was thinking about doing something after the video filming." I suggested and Julia shook her head positively.

She was too far away. She looked more than sick, but worried, her green eyes roamed the houses.

"But something lighter, nothing like the parties organized by Rog or Fred." I laughed in an attempt to cheer her up and all I got in return was a murmur.

"I think it's perfect, Ronnie." She spoke distant

"We can go to some restaurant, I don't know ..." I suggested while starting the car, Robert was distracted by his plush Mickey and Julia still had her eyes wandering the street.

That's when I decided to test her attention.

"Julie, I'm going to divorce John" I spoke in a casual tone.

"I think it's good." She replied and I slapped a hand on the steering wheel which made her jump on her seat.

"Did you hear what I just said !?" I asked in exasperation, stopping at a traffic light.

"That we should go to dinner after the video is recorded-"

"No!" I spoke with a voice altered by irritation.

"I'm sorry Ronnie-" she started and I sighed deeply as I drive and checked on Robert who was still distracted by Mickey.

"What's wrong? Is it Freddie?" I asked shifting the car.

"It is not, with him everything is alright!" She spoke with a shrug.

"No, it's not!" I insisted.

Julia sighed deeply, one of her hands rested on her belly, a smile spread across her face.

"She keeps kicking." She spoke for the first time in an animated tone.

Saved by Blair.

Yes, even I bet all the chips that the baby was actually a girl.

"This is amazing! Well get ready to be woken up at night." I finally calmed down.

Julia breathed easily when we finally left Kensington, which was strange.

"Freddie insisted so much that she kicked it." She laughed as she stroked her belly.

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