28 - Blair

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Wessex Studios, August 1, 1977.

"Julia?"  I spoke knocking on the bathroom door for the tenth time as I listened to her vomit faintly once again.

What has she been eating?  Is the water contaminated?

"Kitten, answer me."  I spoke with my forehead against the door.

She answered nothing.  She was so weird since leaving the hospital last week.  Nothing would stop at her stomach, she barely opined during the recordings, it was as if she were not there.

Finally I heard the flush and the tap opening, which was a relief to me, she could let me help her ... she knows I would always be there for her, but she just locked the bathroom door and went through all this horror alone.

The door finally opened, she had a sweaty forehead, her hair had darkened but was still a deep gold, her ever-pink lips were pale and she seemed to have lost so much weight.

"Kitten ... My God you have to let me help you! You're sick!"  I said in exasperation as she fell into my chest and closed her eyes.

"I already said I'm fine, -"

"No! You're not fucking well!"  I practically hissed as I felt her small hands seeking support from me.  "Kitten, please tell me what you have ..."

She put her index finger to my lips and silenced me.

"Let's go back to the recording? I want to see you recording My melancholic blues."  She smiled and her eyes sparkled like the eyes of a puppy.

She could get away with everything so easy with those damn eyes.

"Don't think we won't talk about this later."  I caught her face in my hands as she laughed the aspect slowly improving.

"You're very worried, I'm just -" she stopped talking.


"Nothing, mo grhàidh."  She squeezed my cheek and walked down the hallway toward the recording room.

She always ended the morning sickness like this, as if nothing had happened.  And She could still walk on those high-heeled sandals without losing her balance.

She was fascinating, even sick.

I returned to the recording room when I noticed the presence of the punk group, there is still this ... share my recording location with these troglodytes.

"Brian! You weren't supposed to laugh in the end! Let's redo that part!"  Deacy spoke out of the recording room with the bass still hanging.

"I can't go out a minute you guys bullshit?"  Julia went to Deacy and took his bass and set it on the floor.

"You are alive!"  John practically raised his hands in thanks - it was obvious she was.

"What's going on here?"  I asked sitting next to Roger who murmured the chorus of Sheer Heart Attack.

"I missed a few notes at the end and Brian laughed at the recording when he realized! We have to redo that part!"  Deacy whimpered and Julia smiled like a child.

"No! No! No one needs to record anything again, so does Paul McCartney in Obladi Oblada, He was wrong to sing Desmond instead of Molly and you can hear John laughing at him. Please leave it!"  She made those puppy dog ​​eyes again.

"I do not see a problem."  I said surrendering and she blew a kiss at me.

"Jooooohnnnn?"  She turned to him, her eyelashes flickering nonstop.

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