12 - What are you doing here?

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Duesseldorf - Germany, May 15, 1977.

" This is not a real word, Freddie!" I
heard Brian accuse Freddie at the top of his lung in the suite room of our new hotel in Düsseldorf.

A week on the road with them, a week listening to discussions about their beloved scrabble and I still couldn't understand how four 30-year-olds could fight while playing crossword puzzles.

It's been five days since the last time I kissed Freddie before the Stockholm show, but somehow Jim Beach was forgetting to reserve a room for me at every hotel we stayed, which means yes I was sleeping with Freddie. just like the first night in Stockholm. He seemed more and more kind, always willing to hear some story I had to share with him, always trying to know my preferences ... sometimes we just stared at each other, admiring I would say, he caressed my face with the tips of his fingers and I fell asleep without kisses.

"But of course it is! And I have a way to prove it! JULIA COME HERE PLEASE! "Freddie yelled at me and I got up from our bed rolling my eyes.

Didn't they have a dictionary? Arriving in the living room there were Brian, Freddie, Deacy and Rog sitting on the floor around a coffee table with the scrabble board in the center.

"What can I help you with?" I asked sitting next to Freddie while Deacy seemed to hold back his laughter.

"I don't even know how to pronounce that word, but Fred insists that shit is a word!" Brian pointed to the spot on the board where the discord was, and my eyes widened.

How did he write this shit on a scrabble board?

"Fandabbydosy." I spoke through my teeth and Deacy burst into a loud laugh.

I hate the fact that I had drunk enough to talk this shit when I was drunk! I turned my gaze to Freddie and pointed my finger at him.

"Will you never forget that?" I asked through my teeth as Deacy continued to laugh, Freddie's eyes for a second seeming to get scared.

"Is that a word anyway?" Roger asked confused and Brian muttered something about doubting so much.

"Little scottish kitten, answer our dear friends please." Freddie spoke in a sweet voice and touched the back of his hand to my cheek.

The air was coming in through my inflated nostrils, I wanted to jump Freddie's neck and make him forget it, but I would behave.

"Yes that's a word in Scotland." I turned to face Bri and Rog and John seemed to finally recover from the fit of laughter.

"And what does this specifically mean Juls?" Roger asked with a raised eyebrow.

How do I explain what Fandabbydosy rays mean?

"Yes ... please explain to us Jully!" Brian asked with a smile on his lips.

As if Freddie and Deacy didn't know about my Scottish slip after that day I still had to learn to put up with Roger trying to pronounce Fandabbydosy, it was cute.

"I can't explain! I don't know ... it can be amazing, fantastic ..."

"It's Fandabbydosy!" Freddie repeated the word again easily.

Brian rolled his eyes in disgust and Roger was quietly moving his lips as if trying to pronounce the word.

"How do you pronounce that? Fans- what?" Roger curled up which made me laugh.

John looked at me with pitying eyes and I felt my face burn.

"Fan-da-bbydo-sy" I said slowly and Roger tried to keep up.

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