15 - Honey, I'm glad you came back!

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On the plane returning to London - May 20, 1977


"Why does Peter seem to be taking care of me?" Julia whispered beside me. "I thought he was your personal assistant!"

Everyone slept on the plane that would take us back to London, Julia was by my side and Phoebe in the seat in front of us reading some magazine.

Oh yes ... Phoebe is Peter, and my new assistant, but as he obeys me he was basically hired to follow Julia and protect her.

"What did you say darling?" I made a misunderstanding.

"I like Peter ... but he didn't do anything a personal assistant would do." She spoke even lower.

She told me not to hire a security guard for her, and so I did, Phoebe wasn't a security guard ... let's say he was a helper in protecting Julia and various matters.

"Who says he doesn't do anything I ask, Scottish kitten?" I snapped my tongue and looked at her with amusement, Julia's expression was confused, her green eyes were clear, her blond hair tied in a high bun.

"Phoebe does a little of everything."

She turned to me with a puzzled expression.

"Who the hell is Phoebe?" She asked a little too loudly what caught Phoebe's attention that cleared his throat drawing Julia's attention as she turned to him with a flushed face.

"Hey Pet-"

"I'm Phoebe, Ju." He said sympathetically with a shy smile.

Julia seemed to be trying to form a sentence but she was slightly confused. It was a custom, some men, friends or even people I didn't like, got a female name when it suited them, and when I looked at the nice Peter, Phoebe was all that came to mind.

"You what?" Julia's voice seemed sharper by the confusion created in her head.

"Freddie gave me that nickname." Phoebe's eyes narrowed at his wide smile.

"Okay ... Pheebs." Julia said looking at me as if wondering where I got that idea.

Phoebe read the magazine again and Julia looked out the airplane window, she looked thoughtful. Her recovery from the unexpected with Cameron was surprising, she really didn't look like the fragile little girl I found in the middle of the suite days ago. Julia's pinched hair left the side of her face exposed, her cheek was a delicate pink, her skin was white and contrasted well with the intense golden of her hair, it was hard to use words to describe Julia, she was unique.

"It should be nice to get back from travel and have a house to call yours." She had one elbow on the armrest of her seat.

Ah ... true a house. I bit my upper lip remembering my request to Miami the day after the incident.

"You have your room, don't you?" I took her free hand on her lap.

Julia turned to me and smiled shyly.

"You don't like my hotel and don't even bother to hide it."

"I don't bother hiding almost anything to tell the truth." I winked at her as she rolled her eyes.

"You got me... yes I had it reserved, because now the last part of the tour is pretty much all around London." She patted my hand gently.

I had to bite my own tongue so I wouldn't open my mouth and break the news early. In two weeks Julia had taken up a great deal of my feelings, being with her in each of the rooms we shared in the last seven cities was my gas to do everything in time to arrive and find her awake. My curiosity about what her life was like, what she liked to do ... I made sure to just hear about her, admired the strength that the young little Scottish kitten had that impressed me.

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