30 - Welcome to Montreux

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Cute note: this photo is of the boys' first time in Montreux in 78 (but I changed that).


Train on the way to Montreux, September 3, 1977

"Do you think this is a good idea?" I asked as Brian finished writing his word on the board.

"Why would not it be?" Deacy responded by lighting his cigarette and Ronnie rolled her eyes.

"That's it, I won again!" Brian raised his arms and I rolled my eyes as I took my pack of cigarettes from my pocket.

"You know ... he was planning those first days of the trip just for him and Juls." I lit my cigarette while Brian started to redistribute the pieces between us with that stupid "I won again" smile.

"and now we're all going before his birthday, isn't it incredible?" Deacy spread his arms, smiling.

He'd been a little paranoid since we left Freddie with Prenter in that dinner.

"Well, I'm liking it! Ee almost never do anything together." Veronica was beside Chrissie who agreed.

"We will have the opportunity to participate in Freddie's surprise." Chrissie smiled at the idea.

Ah yes the idea. I had forgotten that.

"This is going to be magnificent!" Dominique exclaimed beside me with her French accent that melted my heart.

"Well, if he doesn't like it at least we can play scrabble together in the next seven days." Brian said making everyone roll their eyes together. "I'm kidding, okay? But I'm sure it's going to be an amazing day, I've been reading that summer in Montreux is great."

"You are always reading." I laughed as I I took my cigarette to the ashtray.

The train ride was spectacular, the Swiss Reviera at that time of the year was divine - ok like any other time - it was the first time we went there and thanks to the schedule that Juls had set up for us, the album was almost finished.

"Does he even know that we booked all the rooms on the floor they're going to be in?" Ronnie asked and a malicious smile opened on Deacy's face.

"Of course not!" He spoke laughing.

"Deacy if Freddie kills us it will be your fault." Brian spoke as his hand rested on Chrissie's belly.

Why did everyone have to be pregnant? I could hardly breathe normally if it happened to me.

Me and a baby, who would need more care?

"He's not going to kill us and I bet Julia is going to love these seven days with us." He spoke, putting out his cigarette in the ashtray.


"This place is magical." I murmured when I left the train station, the calm in Montreux was incredible, we managed to walk in the train station without being stopped, it was so incredible!

Brian said something scientifically about the local climate, about the geography of the place when I saw Julia wearing a flowing blue spaghetti strap dress, she already had a little tummy, Freddie held his Polaroid while she posed for him framing her belly.

They were so happy.

"Guys!" I raised my hand, making Brian go silent. "If you want to surprise the lovely couple, I think everyone better be quiet and get in the first cab that we see!" I spoke showing Julia and Freddie distracted in the park.

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