11 - A night at the Hovet

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Last breath of my winter vacation 🥺, I dedicate this chapter to the two people who most encourage me to continue OneOfmyLies and xMiss_Mercuryx !  Thank you girls, I love you! 💕❤️


Stockholm - May 7, night after rehearsal at Hovet.

I was exhausted lying on the bed in Freddie's room. The rehearsal at Hovet lasted two hours until Mr Perfectionist agreed with the sound and the lighting and Julia you can take a towel, Julia you do not think the Rog can shout less, Julia please you can hold the microphone pedestal ... he seemed to turn on the stage, it was almost as if he assumed another personality, just as catchy as he off the stage, but it was different ...

On stage they were the perfect union, hardly like those boys on the plane who fought over a crossword puzzle.

"Julia?" Freddie came into the room holding the jacket and I sighed on the bed and raised my hand signaling that I was lying down. "You're here! I looked for you in the restaurant, you're not going to eat anything?" He asked approaching the bed.

I had half my face on the mattress and did not want to leave.

"I am so tired." Freddie sat down beside me on the edge of the bed.

"You need to eat, I heard from Brian that you did not have lunch so I'm now inviting you to dinner." He crossed his legs and smiled at me hiding his teeth.

"A dinner?" I asked, feeling my heart beat stronger, was that kiss more than a kiss to him? "Kind of a date, just the two of us?" sitting on the bed and he smiled at me showing his teeth.

"We can not call this a meeting since I would take you to dinner in a better restaurant, but yes, just the two of us." He put his hand on one of my thighs as I stared at him without being able to speak. "The cat ate your tongue again scottish kitten?" He squeezed my cheek with his slender fingers and I rolled my eyes.

"Do I have another choice?" I asked and he winked at me and I felt my heart pound.


"You said the restaurant was simple!" I practically sibilated on the opposite side of the table.

Freddie wore a black social shirt, his beard was still to be done, and the tips of his hair were curled into little curls.

"Relatively simple ... you believe they do not serve Möet?" The tone of discontent in his voice was visible.

The hotel restaurant was far from simple, the decor was all dark and gold, the chandeliers were jaw-dropping and believe it was a quartet of strings playing.

"That's the problem?"

"And what would be the other my little kitten?" He smiled at me.

"I do not think I'm dressed for dinner here." I spoke looking around with one of my hands on the table.

"You look beautiful." He said taking my hand on the table and I turned to look at him again turning red.

"Good night!"

Roger sat in our midst making me jump out of fright and let go of Freddie's hand I swear I heard him growl.

"What are you doing here?" Freddie asked visibly irritated.

Roger's blue eyes were as playful as ever and he had that cute smile on his lips.

"I'm having dinner with you, is not it obvious? Am I disturbing something?" He said putting his arms behind his head and motioning to the waiter.

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