13 - Shall we sleep?

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Julia was in my arms, her delicate face was swollen, below her eyes were red marks made by the sleeve of her shirt as she rubbed her sleeved hands in an attempt to dry her face, John was sitting next to me , one of his hands on Julia's blond hair that had her eyes closed.

I had never seen her so desolate, she was fine, sleeping inside a presidential suite in a luxury hotel, nothing in my head made sense ...

"Hey, do you want me to call Ronnie so Rob talks to you?" John said in that docile tone he used with Robert when he wanted to convince the little guy to do something.

Julia for the first time moved her green eyes and blinked a few times looking straight at John who caressed her cheek, in fact Deacy had adopted Julia as her sister and I felt their bond was true and reciprocal. She was so self-possessed most of the time but right now she was so fragile, quiet and out of orbit ... she hardly looked like my little scottish kitten that had shut me up a few weeks ago on way to Ritz.

"Ronnie must have already put Rob to sleep, don't mind John." She spoke, clearing her throat, her voice low and her green eyes getting closer.

She was coming back.

Involuntarily I pressed her against my chest and sank my face into her soft hair. I didn't know what I was feeling, Julia made me confused, or I was so confused that I thought it was her fault. The memory of the first night in Stockholm, where my addiction began, after that kiss, to have her by my side every night was enough. It was always like this, she would lie down, we would say good night and I would pull her to my chest and her small, delicate hand rested on my chest and gently caressed me until she fell asleep.

I was allowing myself that addiction, I had been ordered to Miami to under no circumstances reserve rooms for Julia. Obviously Brian noticed, which led me to another interrogation that happened while we were in Copenhagen. Julia was with Deacy on stage after the soundcheck, as always, she was singing Beatles, I must have been looking at her with my mouth open - as it did most of the time - Brian was observant just like John.

And yes, something different was happening, but I was always too proud to admit it to myself, and Julia was as proud as me.

"Are you sure, Jully?" John's voice brought me back to reality and I brushed my face from Julia's hair still numb by her characteristic lavender scent.

Julia just nodded and Deacy winked at her, if I didn't know their relationship was purely brotherly, and obviously Veronica didn't exist, the man I would be most jealous would surely be my best friend.

"Do you want to tell us what happened?" I spoke for the first time after the shock of finding her so fragile and destroyed and realized that my voice was slightly strained.

Before Julia could answer the suite's main door opened, which made her shrug and hide her face in my chest, visibly terrified. John got up and walked to the door, frowning slightly, he was as worried as I was, but soon his expression relaxed as Brian entered the room with Roger. They both had a silly smile on their faces.

"It's okay, it's just Bri and Rog." I muttered to Julia that she still had her face hidden in my chest.

"Hey! What's going on here? "Brian took a few but long enough steps and crouched in front of me, her warm breath on my chest stunning.

John had one arm around Roger's shoulders, his always cheerful blue eyes visibly concerned.

"We don't know yet ... she didn't tell us." Deacy sighed deeply as she finished speaking.

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