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5 MAY 2034

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5 MAY 2034

◣ C A M E R A  4

the oldest among the seven lit a match before holding a cigarette over the flickering flame. jin watched enthralled for a split second before getting a hold of himself, blowing out the match wanting to be surrounded by obscurity.

he brought the cigarette to his luscious lips before taking a long drag. he leaned back feeling the warmth descend down his windpipe before exhaling, a ring of smoke began to dance with the moonlight which fell through the cracks of the curtain.

he closed his eyes trying to recall the last time he stepped outside of the house during nightfall, but to no avail. none of his attempts ever worked anyway.

he stood up abruptly, the cigarette still caught between his lips as he walked back to his room in pure darkness, the action was habitual as he performed the same routine every night.

but maybe it was the glass of wine or maybe he was just out of his mind, jin turned, stared dead on at where jin knew a small camera was installed and flashed the small device his crooked middle finger.

"fuck you" jin muttered under his breath before retracting back to his room where he discarded the cigarette, drifting off in timely sleep.

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