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Hey, this is my first story on wattpad so it would really help if u gave me your opinions that would be grate! and I'm up for all types of criticisms. Also, bear with me on my spelling and grammar. I will eventually edit everything but for now, just try to ignore them. I am fully aware of my mistakes. I'm just to lazy to fix them right now.

~ me


I ran.I ran as fast as I could. My baby! I wouldn't let anyone touch my baby! I flew past trees; their branches whipping at my skin but I couldn't feel the pain.The harsh branches felt like soft feathers caressing my skin. I held my baby closer afraid that the branches would hurt her soft human skin.The moon shone overhead but it made no difference to me, I could see either way.

"Over there! I smell her!"

I heard someone call out. I pushed my legs to go faster. She would not win. She will NOT take my baby! I saw lights of a city overhead. I smiled. A small whimper caught my attention. I looked down and saw my baby's eyes trained on me.

"Shh little one. Do not cry, you will be safe, I promise."


I turned my head and saw a guard running towards me, fangs exposed and ready to kill. I turned back around and broke through the edge of the forest. Lights shone at intervals as I crossed the road onto a lane where small houses were.

I unhooked my turquoise amulet from my neck and rubbed it. When it shone aqua blue I whispered into it just like Robert taught me too.

"Hide who she is until she is in contact with the supernatural again."

Then I took the amulet and tucked it inside my baby's bundle along with the note. I put my baby down on the bad excuse of a porch with tears in my eyes and knocked on the door.

Before I could see if anyone answered I turned around and ran to the forest to meet our pursuers.

When I got there they were already halfway to the house where my baby was.

One saw me and ran up to me. Then he was backed up with at least ten others behind him instantly. Before I could defend myself, he grabbed me by my hair and pulled me back to the forest. I opened my mouth to scream out of agony but a leather-gloved hand covered my mouth. He shoved me and I fell down, my head hitting the root of a tree with a force that broke it in half. I barely felt it, though I felt my hair being pulled from it's roots with force that could kill a human immediately. I turned around and stood to face him. He was wearing all black leather clothes so that he would blend in with the night, as seen to human eyes. His hair was a shade of brown humans could not see with their eyes, and his eyes were a red also not in the human color spectrum. I knew him immediately.

"Adrián" I spit out his name like it was a curse word. To me it practically was. One of his soldiers stepped up toward me and slapped me. I let out another cry of pain. The men laughed and I saw double as I saw Adrián step before me. He leaned forward "It's Malum, Jane" he hissed my name with equal disdain in his Spanish accent.

"Just-just because she-she chose you does not mean it's your name....though you do define the you even know w-what it means? Do you even know it's Latin?" I said, pain making me stutter.

Another hard slap came my way from who knows where and I saw quadruple vision. Is that even something? Quadruple vision?

" Silence!" He snarled. I looked up at him from the ground. Had I fallen? My head was swimming with agony.

"Where is the child!?"

I shakily stood up and put my back against the tree adjacent to me so that I wouldn't collapse. "Never." I croaked.

He kicked me in the stomach and my head hit the tree from the force. I started to see black spots. I knew he would hit me hard enough so that I could feel maximum pain without blacking out, in return torturing me longer. It was a skill all soldiers learned.

"I have no knowledge of how you managed to disguise the child's strong scent, but we will find her." He took out his celestial bronze blade,the only thing that can pierce our skin other than our teeth and those of werewolves.

"The queen said whomever finds her first can have her." He smiled a cold, cruel smile that looked more like a sneer.

A snarl ripped through my chest as I lunged at him. I clamped my teeth on his neck but before I could fully bite down, his soldiers pulled me off him. One held my arms painfully behind my back. I watched as the cracked skin that resembled broken porcelain fix it's self until it was perfect again.

He picked up the blade he dropped and put it at my neck; the ice cold blade giving me goose flesh."You shouldn't have done that princess. Now I have a reason to kill you. But I prefer to do it neater than you seem to."He gave me a disgusted look. "Any last words?" Just then I had a vision.

It was Adrián; being killed by someone. Or something. The vision ended and I was facing Adrián again and I smiled. "No, you will die and I shall be satisfied."

He let out a furious growl and then everything went black.

InconceivableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora