Chapter 2, Bakura and Ryou...

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"Mission clear boss, we're coming home," a person said and cut off the bluetooth. His partner searched out his arms and looked down, his clothes stained with the blood from the people he had just slaughtered. "You look like you were just swimming in a pool of blood."

"Shut your trap, have you seen yourself? You look like shit."

"At least I still make the look better then you Marik," the first one said. Marik scoffed at his partner and looked around at the bodies on the floor. The person sighed, putting on his bluetooth once again. "Bakura to homebase, we need a clean up here. There's about 20 of them so bring the whole team."

Marik turned to Bakura, his partner and grinned widely. He was happy, thinking that they had only joined the group a year ago and were now being sent on some of the most important missions. Most importantly he was partnered with Bakura, which meant he would never be with anyone else.

"Man I'm hungry, we should go get something before returning home eh?" Bakura asked and Marik nodded his head.

While the clean up team arrived they got into a car and started their journey home. They were both smiling at a job well done, but a scene they went past made Bakura's smile hinder a little.

A young child running up to their mother and smiling as she handed him a chocolate bar. He was getting more upset as he saw the child's father walk up to them and pick the kid up, snuggled into them and ruffling their hair.

"Hey Marik, don't you ever think would it would be like? To actually have a normal family?" Bakura asked.

Marik grew sad, knowing this was the soft side of Bakura that he still had not killed off.

"We were never normal, explain to me how finding you three years ago standing over a body with a bloody knife and blood all over your face is normal," Marik said and shook the thought off.

"He was trying to kidnap me, what was I supposed to do? It was instinct," Bakura said and turned to Marik. Marik nodded his head knowing this already about his partner, and the scene now playing in his head.

Bakura was scared, worried he was going to be thrown in prison for being so young and murdering someone. Since Marik had already done it and got away with it, he agreed to take Bakura under his wing and took him home. After that, they were inseparable with Bakura always sticking to Marik like glue.

Marik taught him how to toughen up, and you can bet that is exactly what he did. Murder had no effect to him and the blood he spilled he washed off without thinking.

"Well you should forget it, as long as you're with me nothing like that will ever happen," Marik said and reached out. Bakura felt something touch his hand and looked seeing it was Marik. "Because you're my partner, no one touches my partner."

"Dude you're too cringy and gay," Bakura laughed but held his hand nonetheless. Marik just hummed and looked out the window watching the city go past. Soon enough they returned home and got out, both making their way to the kitchen. When they arrived they saw the youngest in the house, making a sandwich.

"Kid what are you doing, you have like a dozen maids and you're doing that?" Marik asked and the kid turned around.

"My names is Yami, learn it. Also I can do stuff myself, I don't need anyone," Yami said and turned around. "You two have all the time in the world and yet your not even together. Look at yous, you two are still holding hands."

Bakura and Marik looked down and shook their heads. "We can hold hands and it still wouldn't be gay, I wanna head out for a bite to eat. Coming Marik?" Bakura said but Marik shook his head, so Bakura headed to his room. He got changed and cleaned up, before leaving and heading towards the city.

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