Chapter 4, Yami and Yugi again...

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*Yami's POV*

My birthday again...and no one remembers. You think when your son is turning 15 your own father will start paying more attention.

But no, the only one who will even look at me is my brother.

"Yami we need to do something!!" Heba whined while kicking his feet up on the wall. "We can't just stay in while it's your birthday."

"We stayed in last year so what difference is it this year?" I said blankly and loaded my personal pistol.

"Yeah will I wasn't allowed out last year. This year mama is allowing it since you're almost an adult! So pleaseeeee," Heba asked and he was becoming annoying.

"Fine fine, have one of our drivers get ready to take us to the fair," I said and Heba was bouncing up and down. For being sheltered he sure doesn't seem phased about the fact I'm gonna have a pistil and a knife strapped to me as we're out.

I didn't bother to tell anyone where we were going, simple to the fact that they just don't care about me. Well, everyone except Takashi. So I made sure to let him know where we were going. I'm really happy he was able to heal from that fight years ago, but he hasn't been able to important missions like that ever since.

We jumped into the car and Heba couldn't stay still. I don't understand why, being a child doesn't make you innocent and happy. It's just another stage of growing up, and a hurdle from becoming an adult and doing the important things.

Our driver got us there fast and gave me the money we would need, even though with one look at my face will probably get us in for free. Heba ran straight in and didn't bother to wait for me, which made me sprint in without paying. But I didn't get shouted at so my thoughts were right.

He went straight for the cotton candy machines and wanted one, which made me shake my head but get them nonetheless. We walked around looking at what was to offer and I noticed someone staring at us from afar. I went to grab my gun but Heba grabbed my hand and started to drag me off.

He took us to a ride and wanted to go on, I didn't have a choice because we were next in line and seated pretty fast. The ride didn't make me happy, just to the fact that it seems like a waste of time. But Heba enjoyed it, so it's worth something. 

Once off the ride we walked around, Heba's legs were feeling like jelly and he wanted to try and get the feeling back. Heba also said he wanted to pick up a cake for today, so we went to the shop that was close by.

"Can I pick and you wait here?" Heba asked and I nodded while he ran off. I sighed and leaned against a wall and kept looking around. Someone caught my eye, it was a strange hair colour and shape that was what threw me off.

It took me by so surprise I didn't see them run off so I looked around to try and find the person. But the sound of a gunshot distracted me, as well as the screams from everyone around. "Where is the older Sennen!?!" I heard and walked to it, gun in my hand ready to pull it out.

A man was standing there, holding someone in his arms. It was the same face I saw before. "You! Your father is the reason my parents are dead!!!" they yelled and held the gun to the person's head. "Now I will take your brother away from you!!!"

"Dude you do not even know what that thing is you are holding in your hands. Put it down before you hurt someone," I said and pulled my gun from the back but did not reveal it. I wanted to say that that was not my brother, but I felt that it would  just put the person in more danger. I shouldn't care about that, I know if my father was here he would tell me to shoot him myself.

But no, I wasn't raised by him, Takashi was there for me. And if there's one thing he's taught me to keep a hold of some compassion for humans.

"Hurt myself? More like I will hurt you by killing him," the guy said and tried to have a more tighter grip on the gun. I shook my head and brought out my gun clicking the safety off. 

"Do you honestly think you have the guts to pull that trigger before my bullet goes through your head?" I asked and the person in his arms...smiled at me. God, seeing someone smiling at me that isn't in the mansion...feels nice.

The guy put his hand on the trigger and his hand began to shake. Tch, amuter. He tried to pull it but nothing happened.

"Stupid, don't you know that you have to actually load your gun before doing this shit?" I asked and stepped closer. He physically freaked out and dropped the gun running out the shop. I shook my head and walked up to the person that was being held captive. "You alright? Didn't look so scared."

"I-I kind of was, but you knew what you were doing so I trusted you," he said like he didn't even know my face. Come on, everyone knows my face. Have you seen my face? "But why are you carrying a gun?"

"No reason," I said and tucked it back. I walked out the shop hoping to find Heba, but instead that person followed me. "Um are you alright?"

The person turned his head, slight colour to his face. "Well you just saved my life, I wanna repay you in some way," he said and smiled widely at me. I smirked, wanting to try something. Hell it's not like I'll ever see this person again so might as well have some fun.

I turned to him, walking to him and he started to move back. He was getting nervous and looked like he wanted to say something but no words came from him. His back hit the wall and I placed both my arms against his head pinning him in. 

"You can pay me back with your body the next time I see you," I whispered into his ear. I saw him shiver, which made me grin. I moved from him to see his face scarlet red, guess he gets flustered easily. "Ah I'm only kidding. Really it's nothing, I was just there at the right time."

The person nodded his head and rummaged through his pocket until he pulled a piece of paper and pen. He wrote something down and handed it to me, before taking off on his heels. I opened the piece of paper, it had a number and a name on it.

I really wanna thank you somehow, please call me,

Yugi. ***********

I scoffed at it and went to throw it away, but the call of my name stopped me so I placed it in my pocket. Heba ran up to me out of breath with a bag in his hand.

"Where were you? I lost you in the shop and heard screaming, thought something happened to you," Heba said through his pants. I smiled at him looking at the bag, he actually managed to pick up a cake. "I-I know it's not much, but I thought it would be good for me, you and Takashi."

I smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

"Anything you give me is perfect Heba, I'll even see if Takashi can come pick us up here," I said and Heba started to bounce up and down. Takashi has always been Heba's second favorite, myself being number one. I'm surprised that he would chose mother over Takashi but he has been there more than anyone when we were both growing up.

After I called Takashi and he agreed to come pick us up, while Heba was messaging someone online I got the piece of paper out my pocket.

After giving it one more look over, I got my phone out and typed in the number to save.

But I definitely am not interested in this Yugi person.


Honestly, I have been feeling like rubbish for a while and found it hard to be motivated to do anything. I'm gonna try to get back into this cause I do love writing too much to not finish my stories here. Forgive me if there is any mistakes in this chapter.


Anyway, I hope you guys this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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