Chapter 38, Inside battle....

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*Atem's POV* he can't remember him. I haven't spoken a fucking word about him!

"What...did you just say?" I growled and got off of Yami.

"I-I dunno! But- but please stop hurting him. He hasn't done anything wrong to me!" Yugi cried out and bailed his fist. "If you're my brother and you love me then get off of him!!"

He's gonna have a panic attack if this kept up, so I sighed and made sure I was close to Yami's ear.

"If I ever see you around my brother again, I will fucking kill you. He has been through enough," I growled and grabbed Yugi's hand pulling him away. I know that Yami still loves him, but I don't want Yugi involved in that again.

We were almost on the main road, until I saw Yami chasing us. 

"Why are you lying to him Atem? Doesn't he deserve to know?" Yami asked me and my fists had started to shake. 

"If he knows then he'll run back to you, and I won't let him enter that life again. You know what he hasn't had? An attack, a threat. Someone coming after him, he has been living like a normal person. Don't you want that for him?" I asked and saw the battle going on in Yami's head. 

If he hadn't murdered so many people in the past, if his name was clear then I would allow them to be back together. But I can't, to risk my brother's life. Heba hasn't killed anyone since we came here, hell he's stayed away from fights because I asked him.

"Yugi," Yami said, my brother turning to him. "Do you feel like you know me? Is there anything in you that says there's more to me?"

"Yami shut up before I rip your tongue out!" I yelled holding Yugi behind me. "For the last time, I will not allow th-"

"SHUT THE HELL UP ATEM!!" Yugi screamed and dashed forward. He grabbed Yami's hand and right in front of me they ran off. I didn't know what to do, yes I know I am being over protective but can anyone blame me? 

From what we have been through, it's normal for the older to be protective since our father has no clue on what is going on. He was only focused on his business and forgot he had kids at this point. I even tried to message him for support on moving, but the first thing he asked me was 'do I know you?'

*Yami's POV*

Nothing can explain how much my heart is hurting right now, for him to be holding my hand and deifying his older brother for me. Although Atem may be on a mission to kill me now but every moment is worth it if I am with Yugi.

We stopped a far distance away from Atem, as Yugi leaned over to get his breath back but kept a grip on my hand. I couldn't speak, every word I had was stuck in the back of my throat.

But mostly....I was scared.

So, he was the first to speak.

"Are you...connected to why I can't remember some things?" he asked looking into my soul through my eyes. "What was our relationship before I came here? Did I know you in Domino? Or what about-"

"Just stop." I mumbled and held his hand tight. "Yes, we knew each other. But the past is the past and you shouldn't dwell on it. Just leave it behind you."

I want to be in his present, I want to be in his future. But the way things are with the police still on our tails and people still fear us we get a odd few of attacks. I can't put him in danger for my own selfish needs.

"I can't just leave you behind me, not when..." Yugi mumbled and held his head  down. "Not when you're making my heart hurt this much...."

If I'm going to be fully letting him go, I might as well make it something for him to remember. Turning myself, I grabbed his other hand and he looked right into me. His height still scares me.

"What is it your heart wants right now Yugi Muto? What is it yearning for?" I asked running a hand up his arm. His face was going red but he kept our eyes locked. I was getting closer to him, our noses were touching. as this point and his breathing had increased. "Push me away if you want."

I didn't waste a second with placing my lips onto him, he relaxed into me straight away and he threw he hands behind my neck.

One of my arms were around his waist, while another on his neck pulling him deeper in. I wanted to question why he wasn't moving away, but right now my heart was hurting so much for him I couldn't.

He tried to fight my tongue but like hell would I let him be in control and he ended up giving up anyway becoming putty in my hands. I could tell he was going weak in the knees so I let him go down on his knees while I went on one. I wanted to leave a mark on him, but stopped myself as I moved and let him breathe.

"I-I didn't want to...push you," Yugi let out turning his head from me. "Listen, I don't care what Atem says. It's my life, I can do whatever I want. And I want to know what we had before, because I don't think we were just friends before."

"We....weren't just friends. We were lovers, but I won't explain it all now," I said and held his cheek. "But just be patient with me alright love? I'll give you my number and we'll meet somewhere each day. Which each day I'll tell you something new, alright?"

Yugi nodded his head as he smiled widely at me making my heart feel like butterflies. I kissed his forehead and helped him back to his feet. "I'll just lie to my brother and tell him I chased you off, but the rest will be to myself," Yugi said and winked at me. I love this sly little bugger. 

With a final goodbye and a hug, we went our own ways, the inside of my head going through too many different thoughts. This wasn't safe, this isn't a good idea to be able to keep him safe. 

But lying to him is wrong, and I'm gonna fix it before he is taken away from me yet again.

I have come back crawling out of my little hole to write, damn it feels weird. My attention has been bouncing from turning 19 soon, to working during this time and all sorts. I hope everyone is taking care of themselves and the others around you.

But yeah, is Yami right to try and stay away from Yugi? Or will that backfire on them?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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