Chapter 7, Again...

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*Bully scene ahead*

*Yami's POV*

Well this is perfect. I'm sitting in the locker room, of the swimming pool in my shorts with a sore ankle and unable to move. While I wait for Yugi to bring someone to me so I can move. This is ridiculous. I only wanted to swim laps to blow off some steam. And the reason for that amount of anger was....well. I have no clue.

I just got real mad in the classroom and ran out, Joey convinced me not to leave the school so I settled with ditching classes. I heard footsteps and saw Yugi's head peak around the corner with his damped hair.

"Hello Mr Sennen. Yugi here has alerted me of what has happened to you," the schools nurse said and came over crouching down. "I am rather thankful Yugi was walking past or I wouldn't even wanna think what would happen."

"It was just a cramp, why are you acting like my leg was broken in the water?" I asked and saw Yugi tried to hold in a laugh.


She crouched down and looked at my leg while Yugi stood there with his back against the wall. He does know he can leave right? He wasn't even looking at us, he was looking everywhere but here.

"I think you should be fine, I would recommend not going into the water for a day or two to avoid anything happening again," she said and I rolled my eyes. She just sighed and muttered something under his voice and walked away.

"Ass, honestly the staff in here are a waste of time," I said and tried to get up but a pain shot up all the way through my body. I sighed and looked up, Yugi was looking at me with concern. This was kind of uncomfortable. "So um.. thanks for the help Yugi..."

He turned his attention to me finally and had a taint colour to his checks. Weird. "U-Um no problem. Glad I could help. Do you need a hand up?" he whispered and went to grab my arm.

I stared at him as he pulled me up and looked around the room for something. He saw my locker and since it was open he went in and grabbed my clothes, placing them next to me.

He was conflicted at first, I could tell. He wanted to ask me if I needed help, but didn't want to at the same time.

"I'll be fine on my own to change," I said and he nodded his head furiously and turned around. I shook my head and got changed with much struggling. The one thing I couldn't do was tie my laces. I hate this so much right now... "Yugi?"

"Y-Yeah?" Yugi asked with a silent voice and slightly turning to me.

"I need your help to tie my laces..." I mumbled and he nodded coming down. He was tying my lace and I kept my eye on the door making sure no one would walk in and see us. Once he was done, he stood up and smiled at his handy work. "Thanks again."

The bell went for the classes to be done and for our break. And when I was supposed to be practicing swimming. Oh wait I can't. Yugi didn't even say anything before he ran out to room after giving me a wave goodbye. After he left, Joey walked in and gave me a skeptical look.

"What was the dwarf doing in here with you alone?" he asked and smiled looking how I was soaked and Yugi was the same. "Don't tell me you were swimming with him. Never thought you would be into his type."

"Um excuse me I wasn't with him by choice. If it wasn't for him I would be dead because my leg was cramping up," I said and rubbed my leg. His expression changed as he went to the lockers and took off his shirt until he looked back at me again.

"So why was he wearing your jumper? Dude you don't even let me touch that thing," he said and I only just realized it.

I shrugged my shoulders and stumbled out the room as the team piled in. I couldn't be bothered to explain why I couldn't participate so I went to the roof to get some air. A few students were there, also one of the girls who has confessed to me in the past. I leaned on the rails that was looking over the garden.

This day is just getting weirder and weirder, Yugi is appearing everywhere I go, he is on my mind all the time, and-

Wait, that's him down there on the ground. He was laying down staring at something I couldn't see until he got up and saw one of his friends walking to him. He smiled and patted the ground next to him but that smile was wiped off because a group of people were walking to him. 

I recognise the people, they were the troublemakers of the school. They bullied someone so bad they stopped coming to the school, and I think they have set their sights on Yugi. They kicked his foot to get his attention, Yugi sat up and his face turned into shock. I could see their lips move, but couldn't make out what they were saying.

One of the guys grabbed Yugi's collar, bringing him up. His friend tried to stop them but got punched knocking him out and they started to drag Yugi off. It's none of my business what happens to him. 

So I have no idea why I was running down the stairs. The teachers in this school, they don't do a damned thing when it comes to the bullies in the school. It's why this school has a bad reputation, someone was almost killed here.

I ended up at a cross between the halls, and say the guys dragging Yugi by my hood into a bathroom. With clenching my fists, I ran after them and waited out the door with my ear pressed against it.

"Please don't! What did I do!?!?" Yugi cried out. I know he wouldn't just stand there and take it, so he must be tied down somehow. I heard running water in the sink and Yugi trying to scream but it sounded gargled.  

"Your a little gay bitch that shouldn't even be in this school. You're gonna learn what we do to people like you," one said and I heard the ching of a blade. 

I burst the door open and rounded the corner. Yugi was over the sink with it full, hands tied with wire behind his back with two guys on either side. His back was bare as his shirt was shredded off and my jumper tossed to the side. His back already had cut marks on it.

"Yami? Did you see us coming in and wanting to join?" one asked and threw the knife at me. "Hey twat! You have a new player!!"

They pulled Yugi's head from the sink and his eyes locked with mine, his full of fear and begging for help before he was shoved back in. The one behind Yugi moved so I could be in front of his back. I ran my hands on the cuts as blood ran down and I only got more angry.

They were clapping their hands at me, until I turned to the one who was cutting him before and held the blade to his throat pressing the blade slightly so a line appeared on his neck.

"Don't fuck with someone's life unless you put your own life on the line," I growled and kneed him in the dick. He buckled on the ground while I turned my back to the others. They let go off Yugi and he collapsed on the ground trying to catch his breath. "You had better fuck off, before I cut all your dicks off."

They grabbed their friend lying on the ground and ran out, I picked up Yugi and rubbed his back as gentle as I could to try and calm him down with cutting the wire that was binding him. He was crying, grabbing my shirt and I only now noticed the blood running from his wrists.

I may not be interested in this Yugi person, but after he saved my life I wasn't about to sit by and watch him get tortured. They are going to pay for this.

This is probably my new favourite story to write, I am gonna love the character development that is gonna happen to everyone. Who are you all looking forward to see change? 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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